10 Facts about Ging Freecss Hunter x Hunter! Gon’s Mysterious Father!

10 Fakta Ging Freecss Hunter x Hunter! Ayah Gon yang Misterius!

Gon is a lonely child who goes looking for his father. Ging’s father is this.

Ging left Gon when Gon was only two years old. After that he continued to wander. Even now, we rarely see Ging in action.

Even so, finally after Netero died, this Ging appeared in the plot of the election of the new chairman of the Hunter Association. He even sailed to the Dark Continent, although he is now losing the spotlight to Kurapika and the Kakin royal family dispute.

So, who really is Ging Freecss? Check out the interesting facts below!

1. Take the Hunter exam at the same age as Gon

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Gon takes the exam Hunter at the age of 12 years. Based on Mito’s flashback, Ging also obtained a license HunterHe was around the same age as his son. It’s not surprising that during the exam, examiners who knew Ging could feel Gon’s potential.

2. The partner who gave birth to Gon has not been revealed

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Ging has a partner, who is Gon’s mother. However, his identity has not been revealed and his fate is unknown.

Ging actually conveyed the identity of Gon’s mother in the recording to Gon, but Gon already considered Mito to be his true mother.

The problem? Ging is lazy to detect this place Nen to the cassette. Once stopped, the contents of this tape will be immediately deleted. If the listener tried to copy the contents of the cassette, the copy was deleted.

So the identity of Gon’s mother, and Ging’s partner, is truly still a mystery.

3. One of the creators Greed Island game

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Greed Island is not just the background name of a dangerous game that can only be played by Nen users. Actually, the name of the island consists of 11 people who are responsible for the game creation process.

There is still a mysterious creator. Those who have appeared are: Ging, Razor, Elena, Eta, 0 Dwun (Wdwune’s name), List.

Gon can find Razor, Dwun, and List in the background Greed Island. However, to find Ging, he still has to put in extra effort.

Since Ging had visited Greed Island with Gon first, actually Greed Island could be Gon’s biggest chance to find Ging. Because Gon was supposed to have met Ging, technically he could use the Greed Island card to directly teleport to his father’s position.

However, Ging, who is actually shy, only wanted to meet Gon alone, so he asked for the card to meet him to be tampered with. If Gon uses Magnetic Force (alone to meet the players he has met), he will meet Ging. But if Gon uses Accompany (meeting players who have been met with the team), Gon will actually be taken to Kite.

4. Is a person Hunter Two Star

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In organizations Hunterthere are three levels: Hunter One Star, Hunter Two Stars, and Hunter Three Star. Ging at the moment stuck at two stars.

In fact, considering Ging is already involved in projects (including an important archeology project overseen by Satotz), he could have been a three-star. It is said that Ging never tried to apply to become Hunter Three Star, so he didn’t rise from his position.

5. One of the users Nen strongest in the world according to Netero

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According to Isaac Netero, one Master Nen in this world Hunter x HunterGing is one of five users Nen greatest in the world. Ging’s abilities have not yet been demonstrated in full combat, but if the judge is a figure at Netero’s level, his analysis can certainly be trusted.

6. Hints about Ging’s powers

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But if you ask what power actually is Nen Ging, until now there is no definite answer. Pariston Hill tried to lure Ging into mobilizing Nenin the manga, but Ging instead uses the technique Ultrasound and Leorio’s long-range blows.


-Most likely that installed Nen to erase the cassette left behind by Gon is Ging himself.

-Ging is such a genius that he can imitate moves Nen which was used to hit him. After being hit by Leorio, he can imitate Leorio’s technique.

-From Leorio’s technique too, Ging can learn techniques Ultrasound to detect enemies.

-He can fire projectiles capable of penetrating any barrier.

7. Feel embarrassed and reluctant to meet your own child

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Basically, Ging seems to feel embarrassed and reluctant to meet his own child. Therefore he places various obstacles just so that Gon has a clue to find him.

Starting from Gon must be Hunterthen Gon has to play Greed Island. It seems, an obstacle for Gon after Greed Island is to follow Kite so that Gon can get new clues.

However, the Chimera Ant plot happened, and Gon was actually able to meet his father in the plot of selecting a new Hunter leader after Netero’s death.

8. Was one of the 12 Zodiacs

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Ging was a member of the 12 Zodiac Association Hunter. It was a gathering of 12 Hunter elite, responsible for managing the Association Hunter in emergency matters. They can also be challenged by Netero when Netero is free.

In the Zodiac, Ging’s position is the Wild Boar.

In the end, Ging’s responsibility as a Zodiac is what makes him come out of his wanderings and appear at the Association Hunter. Once Netero is dead, the Association chairman election Hunter just determined by the Zodiacs.

Well, he then resigned after the election of chairman of the Association Hunter completed and before the journey to the Dark Continent. The Boar’s position in the Zodiac is replaced by Leorio.

9. Not popular among the Association Hunter

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Ging doesn’t want to be chairman of the Association Hunter because he felt the task was annoying. On the other hand, actually most Hunter don’t like it either.

You might be surprised, remembering Satotz from the exam Hunter and Kite seems to idolize Ging. However, this man was revealed to be very unpopular, to the point that the 10 Zodiacs also didn’t want him to be chairman Hunter. During the election, Ging was quickly eliminated.

Oh yes, Ging, who is not popular, is also the reason Leorio was able to become Pariston Hill’s strongest competitor. Because Leorio punched Ging with strength Nenhis, Leorio became the favorite of voters.

10. Aiming at the Dark Continent

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When chatting with Gon, Ging reveals that his main desire is something he doesn’t have and he needs now.

Because of this motivation, Ging then did things like creating a non-profit company to restore historical sites, including the one that Satotz, the examiner, remembers. Hunter.

But in the end, what makes Ging happy is not achieving his goal, but the reaction of the people who went on an adventure with him once their goal was achieved.

Those are ten facts about Ging Freecss. Viewer Hunter x Hunter 99 might feel this guy has traits coolbecause of her appearance in the photo.

However, when he finally appears, Ging Freecss resembles Urameshi Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakushoincluding his careless attitude and even his appearance.

Recognized as one of the five users Nen strongest in the world, Ging Freecss will probably be the main hope if a real expedition reaches the Dark Continent. What do you think about Ging? Tell us in the comments column!

First published 2020, republished April 26, 2024.

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