Pokémon is an anime that follows the story of Ash Ketchum becoming a Pokemon Master with his Pokemon, one of which is Pikachu. In each of his adventures, he meets various types of Pokemon, one of which is the Legendary Pokemon.
Legendary Pokemon are a type of Pokemon that are very rare. They cannot be owned by just anyone, only certain people can catch them and become trainer-his.
Then, anyone trainer the owner of that Legendary Pokemon? Here’s the answer!
1. Ash – Melmetal
Ash, the main character in the series Pokemon, has a Legendary Pokemon named Melmetal. Initially, the Pokemon looked normal and its name was Meltan. However, after evolving, its size and body also changed to become large.
Melmetal is a metal type Pokemon that has the power to emit iron. Its attack and defense are also quite strong. Unfortunately, its speed can be considered slow for a Pokemon.
2. Brandon – Regice, Registeel, Regirock
Brandon is a person trainer who is involved in the history and archeology of the Pokemon world. He is also part of the Frontier Brains who is the strongest among the other members. As a person trainerhe has three Legendary Pokemon known as the Regi Trio.
They are Regice, Registeel, and Regirock. Regice is an ice-type Pokemon. Its body, created since the ice age, cannot be melted by fire and can control cold air with a temperature of -200 degrees Celsius.
Second is Regirock, a rock-type Pokemon. If its body is damaged in battle, it will search for a suitable stone to repair itself. Lastly is Registeel, a Pokemon with an iron body. Its body was harder than any type of metal in existence.
3. Giovanni – Mewtwo
Trainer Giovanni is introduced as villain who leads an evil organization. To carry out his actions, he uses his Legendary Pokemon named Mewtwo.
Mewtwo is a guinea pig that he took from the original Pokemon, Mew. As a result, Mewtwo is very difficult to control. Its ability is to put pressure on its opponent. Therefore, Giovanni only uses it occasionally.
4. Gladion – Silvally
Trainer the owner of the next Legendary Pokemon is Gladion. This trainer originally captured Type: Null to save him. After evolving, Type Null changes its name to Silvally.
Silvally can change her type at will. His abilities were able to emerge thanks to his strong bond and trust with his coach. They are both a solid pair and high level in comparison trainer other.
5. Goh – Suicune
Goh and Ash’s friend who dreams of catching Pokemon turns out to be the owner of a Legendary Pokemon named Suicune. Previously, Goh almost caught another Legendary Pokemon, namely Zapdos, but failed.
When he managed to catch Suicune, it was a touching moment. His Pokemon inherited the tranquility of pure spring water and was able to purify dirty water. Not only that, his running also looks very graceful in the wild.
6. Leon – Eternal
Leon is the winner of the Pokemon League Champion in the Galar region. In every match he participated in, he never lost. Therefore, Leon was nicknamed as trainer greatest in Galar. As a trainer, he has one Legendary Pokemon named Eternatus which was given to him by Goh.
Eternatus is a dragon-type Pokemon and is poisonous. Its core in its chest is able to absorb energy emitted from the land in the Galar region. Rumor has it that Eternatus’ presence is related to the mystery of Dynamax.
7. Noland – Articuno
Arc “The Battle Frontier” shows a number of Legendary Pokemon, one of which is Noland’s named Articuno. This Pokemon is a type of bird that can control ice. The flapping of its wings can cool the air around it, even capable of making snow fall when flying.
In this battle, Articuno fought against Charizard, Ash Ketchum’s Pokemon. Even though he couldn’t win over Charizard, Articuno did well and was proud trainer-his.
8. Nurse Joy – Latias
Nurse Joy is a Gym Inspector in Saffron City. Apart from that, Joy is also a person Trainer from the Legendary Pokemon named Latias. It is a dragon-type Pokemon that is intelligent and can understand human language.
Not only that, Latias is also very sensitive to human emotions. If it detects hostile emotions, its fur will stand up and make a loud sound to intimidate the human. Its ability is that it can refract light to change its appearance.
9. Tobias – Darkrai and Latios
Tobias is famous for catching two Legendary Pokemon, but there is no information on how he caught them. The Pokemon are Darkrai and Latios. The two Legendary Pokemon managed to defeat Ash in the final round of the Pokemon League.
As the name suggests, Darkrai is a dark type Pokemon. It can make people fall asleep and have nightmares. Meanwhile, Latios is a dragon type Pokemon that can show what it sees and transfer the contents of its thoughts to other parties. Similar to Nurse Joy’s Latias, Latios can also understand human language.
10. Trainer unknown – Heatran
A trainer which is not introduced in detail in the series Pokémon became one of the owners of the Legendary Pokemon. This was revealed when he was registering himself at Sinnoh Lily of the Valley Conference.
There, Heatran appeared which is considered a rare type of Pokemon. Unfortunately, he only appeared at that time. Heatran is a fire and metal type Pokemon that lives in volcanic caves. Inside his body flowed hot blood like magma.
Well, those are the tenth ones. trainer owner of Legendary Pokemon that appear throughout the series Pokémon. Which is the coolest?