4 Enemy Characters in Naruto Who Are Forgiven, Do They Deserve To Be Forgiven?

4 Karakter Musuh di Naruto yang Dimaafkan, Layakkah Mereka Diampuni?

There are several enemy characters in the Naruto which is forgiven. Even though they have major sins, including murder, human experimentation, and starting wars, they can now live normal lives.

I will return the question of whether it is worthy or not, to you fans, but here is the list of enemies Naruto who have been forgiven and can live freely in the era Borutoanyone?

1. Orochimaru

4 Enemy Characters in Naruto Who Are Forgiven, Do They Deserve To Be Forgiven?crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

Yes, it’s impossible for him to be out of this list, because Orochimaru is the one who is most questioned about why he was forgiven that easily.

The sins committed by Orochimaru varied, from illegal human experiments, to the massacre of an entire village!

Indeed, Orochimaru is not truly free. He is always supervised by a team led by Yamato.

However, Orochimaru also received no significant punishment, was still free to continue experiments (including creating artificial humans), and was even allowed to go to Konoha.

2. Kabuto

4 Enemy Characters in Naruto Who Are Forgiven, Do They Deserve To Be Forgiven?crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

Orochimaru is there, which means Kabuto is there too. Kabuto committed crimes that were initially more or less the same as Orochimaru, because Kabuto was his accomplice.

Next he was one of the people who sparked the Fourth Ninja World War together with Obito, and in the end many died in that war.

Kabuto himself now lives freely and runs the Konoha orphanage where he was “born”. How? Escaped and worthy of forgiveness?

Maybe it was Kabuto’s time when he was trapped Izanami it was already considered a punishment for his actions.

3. Sasuke Uchiha

4 Enemy Characters in Naruto Who Are Forgiven, Do They Deserve To Be Forgiven?crunchyroll.com/naruto-shippuden

Sasuke once took the wrong path, he even became the number 1 fugitive for Kumogakure for infiltrating their territory and carrying out an assassination attempt on Killer B (thought it was successful but it wasn’t).

He also committed several other crimes, namely infiltrating 5’s meetings Kagemade assassination attempts on several Kageand even ended up as the person responsible for Danzo’s death, but after helping the alliance in the Ninja World War and even wanting to kill the Kage who falls asleep, he is still forgiven.

Even so, in the anime version, at least Sasuke was detained, but he was released.

Sasuke also seems to truly regret his sins. This is especially seen in Sasuke’s reaction every time he has to talk about his past.

4. Taka Team

4 Enemy Characters in Naruto Who Are Forgiven, Do They Deserve To Be Forgiven?crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

Taka’s team apart from Sasuke, namely Suigetsu, Juugo, and Karin have crimes that are more or less similar to their leader Sasuke, the difference is that their sins are “a little” more forgivable.

When it was formed, Team Taka had several missions, namely killing Itachi Uchiha which they succeeded in, when looking for information they (especially Suigetsu) did not hesitate to kill other people. Their crimes could be said to include Sasuke who also joined Akatsuki, attacking meeting 5 Kage and several attempted murders Kage.

Now they are free at Orochimaru’s place. In fact, they are freer than Orochimaru. While Orochimaru is always supervised by Yamato, Karin, Jugo, and Suigetsu seem to be able to come in and out and go to other countries freely.

When Suigetsu went to Kirigakure, and when these three were in Jugo’s arc, they were not watched by any of Yamato’s team.

That’s the list of villains in Naruto who are forgiven. Do you think they deserve forgiveness? Please write your opinion in the comments column.

First published November 19, 2021, republished March 30, 2024.

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