5 Characters in Naruto Who Shouldn’t Die

5 Karakter di Naruto yang Seharusnya Tidak Mati

In series Naruto which is full of conflict and ninja intrigue, of course many characters are dead.

But there are some characters Naruto who died but it felt like there was no need to die and it was better not to die.

Who are they?

1. Neji Hyuga

5 Characters in Naruto Who Shouldn't DiePierrot/Naruto Studios

The death that was felt to be the most unnecessary and should not have been Neji Hyuga’s death in the Fourth Ninja World War.

When Neji dies, he protects Naruto and Hinata from attacks Juubiwhich should have been if Neji had not been killed, there were many ways to avoid this attack.

Neji was made to die so that Naruto and Hinata’s relationship would develop, but Neji did not die and their relationship could still develop.

2. Hayate Gekko

5 Characters in Naruto Who Shouldn't Diecrunchyroll.com/naruto-shippuden

Hayate Gekko is not an important character, he is the exam supervisor Chuunin who died when he learned of Suna and Oto’s invasion plans in Konoha.

However, he lost and died in his own village, where Hayate should have been able to ask any Konoha ninja for help. He shouted or something so other residents should know, he was in Konoha.

Whether he dies or not doesn’t actually have much influence on the story Naruto overall.

3. Shisui Uchiha

5 Characters in Naruto Who Shouldn't DiePierrot Studios/Naruto Shippuden

Shisui died and ended his life after Danzo took one of his eyes and gave the other to Itachi. He felt that he had failed in carrying out his mission to reconcile the Uchiha and Konoha, then… Mangekyou Itachi got up.

His death does have a function, but if he didn’t have to die, the story would have turned out differently if he hadn’t died.

Shisui could still help Itachi prevent Konoha and Uchiha conflict, they could report Danzo to Hiruzen, and Itachi still had other methods to revive Mangekyou.

4. Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka

5 Characters in Naruto Who Shouldn't DieStudio Pierrot/Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Both die at the same moment, so we just enter it at the same point. Sixth, there was the death of Shikamaru and Ino’s father, namely Shikaku and Inoichi.

Madara targeted the “brain” of the Alliance first, he used Bijuudama Juubi to destroy the Alliance base, killing Shikaku and Inoichi.

Both of them are side characters, maybe dead for the development of Shikamaru and Ino’s characters, but not dying doesn’t matter.

5. Madara Uchiha

5 Characters in Naruto Who Shouldn't DiePierrot/Naruto Studios

Madara has been built from the start in such a way as to be the final enemy character, dangerous, sadistic and strong.

He really rose again and really became a threat to the world. In his strongest form, Kaguya suddenly took over his body and Kaguya replaced him.

Madara needs to die, just like Obito. But his death was not like this, it did not match what had been built so far, namely Madara was the last enemy.

So, in your opinion, whose death will it be? Naruto that feels unnecessary? Write your opinion in the comments column, OK?

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