5 Characters Who Die in the Anime Even though They Are Still Alive in the Manga

5 Karakter yang Mati di Anime Padahal Masih Hidup di Manga

The anime adaptation is different from the manga, which is sometimes normal. Especially if the manga is still ongoing, usually the anime has to be creative in creating its own plot if the plot has gone too far.

But there is a unique case where the difference is significant: a character who is still alive in the manga is inexplicably shown dead in the anime.

These are 5 characters who died in the anime but are still alive in the manga!

1. Tatsumi – Akame ga Kill

5 Characters Who Die in the Anime Even though They Are Still Alive in the MangaDock. White Fox

In the anime Akame ga KillTatsumi died.

If you only watched the anime version, you might think Tatsumi had the same fate in the manga.

Actually no. Tatsumi in the manga is alive, only his body is permanently transformed into a dragon.

2. Mine – Akame ga Kill

5 Characters Who Die in the Anime Even though They Are Still Alive in the MangaDock. White Fox

One more example of Akame ga Kill.

In the anime, Mine dies.

In the manga, Mine is only in a coma.

He then regained consciousness. Then it was revealed that Mine was actually pregnant with Tatsumi’s child.

3. Dakki – Hoshin Engi (1999 version)

5 Characters Who Die in the Anime Even though They Are Still Alive in the Manga(Doc. Studio DEEN/Hoshin Engi)

Maybe many manga readers Hoshin Engi who wanted to see Dakki dead, after all the atrocities he and his followers had committed.

Uniquely, in the manga he doesn’t die. He could be said to be part of the world.

In the 1999 anime version, Dakki dies.

4. Shigure – Yu Yu Hakusho

5 Characters Who Die in the Anime Even though They Are Still Alive in the Manga(Doc. Pierrot/Yu Yu Hakusho)

In the anime version, after losing to Kurama, Shigure decides to end his life.

This really only happens in anime. In the manga, Shigure is still alive until the end.

5. Hao – Shaman King (2001 version)

5 Characters Who Die in the Anime Even though They Are Still Alive in the Manga(Doc. TV Tokyo/Shaman King)

Did you know that in the manga, Hao ends up becoming the Shaman King?

In the anime Shaman King 2001 version, the situation is different. Hao was actually killed by Yoh in that anime.

So, those are five characters who died in the anime even though they were still alive in the manga.

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