5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters

5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters

Character filler and the official characters are like the earth and the moon, close but their occurrence is difficult or almost impossible, as are the 5 characters Naruto fillers which shows feelings of liking for the official character.

Of course filler here not only episodes filler only in anime, but also films and novels whose status is not yet available canon It is here. OK, let’s get started.

1. Shion

5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

As for character Naruto fillers which shows that he has feelings for the official character, explained Shion from the film Naruto Shippuden: The Movie 2007 included.

Shion at the end of the film says that she wants to pass on this power to the next generation, which she wants Naruto to help her with (aka wants to have children with Naruto).

The other characters are shocked but Naruto, who doesn’t understand, just agrees with Shion.

2. Hanare

5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

Hanare is a filler character Naruto which comes from anime. This time it’s going to Kakashi. It is said that Hanare was a spy from Jomae Village and came to Konoha to, well, spy. There’s even an accidental kiss scene between Kakashi and Hanare too, you know! But still, he’s just a character filler.

3. Shizuka

5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

Shizuka is a character filler which exist in Naruto Shippuden when the Fourth Ninja World War was about to start. From her village, she is destined to marry Jiraiya’s student, if Jiraiya’s student wins.

If Shizuka wins, then she can freely marry anyone, therefore she challenges Naruto, who is Jiraiya’s student.

Technically their fight was not over but Shizuka felt it would be “no problem” to marry Naruto if that was what had to be done because according to him Naruto (his nature) was not that bad. Even so, Naruto actually told Shizuka that she had to change the rules in her village, and Naruto said that he already liked another woman (Sakura).

4. Izumi

5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters crunchyroll.com/Naruto Shippuden

Well, this is Itachi’s childhood friend who doesn’t just appear in filler but also in the novel. Izumi and Itachi both show concern for each other.

There are different versions but in filler and novels. In the novel, Izumi was the first victim killed by Itachi as gently and humanely as possible in the Uchiha clan massacre, whereas in filler he was Obito’s victim.

Before he died, all he remembered was Itachi in the anime.

5. Remon

5 Naruto-Boruto Filler Characters Who Are Captivated by Official Characters crunchyroll.com/Boruto Naruto Next Generations

Remon in Boruto likes Konohamaru.

It must be acknowledged that the relationship between Remon and Konohamaru is in filler anime Boruto it does feel smooth and just right. The two of them are also very “cute” when together, which is why many fans pair them up. Back again sadly only filler.

The situation also made Remon forget about Konohamaru.

So that’s the list, did I miss anything?

First published 2020, republished April 15, 2024.

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