5 Weaknesses of Himawari as Kurama’s current Jinchuriki

5 Kekurangan Himawari Sebagai Jinchuriki Kurama Saat ini

Himawari used Kurama’s power in her body, she punched Jura, but she still lost to Jura.

Even though Kurama is the good version here and is ready to help Himawari, why is Himawari still losing?

There are several shortcomings of Himawari as Jinchuriki Kurama, here are some of them.

1. Himawari is not yet a strong fighter, confirmed by Kurama in the same chapter

himawari vs jura.jpgShueisha/Boruto: Two Blue Vortex

In Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 11 when Himawari was beaten by Jura, Kurama said: “He’s stronger than I imagined. This isn’t something that can be overcome with just high potential, they aren’t his equal.” (official Indonesian translation).

This shows that Himawari is not yet a great fighter even though she has high potential chakras Kurama.

It’s natural because it seems like this is the first time Himawari has faced a super strong opponent.

2. Jura is much faster than Himawari

himawari kurama.jpgShueisha/Boruto: Two Blue Vortex

Although Himawari uses chakras Kurama should be like Naruto, his speed has increased a lot, but Himawari is still less fast than Jura.

Himawari’s quick defeat to Jura may be related to the first point, Himawari still lacks real fighting experience.

Because he lost quickly, Jura often beat Himawari first.

In fact, Himawari’s current speed is probably extraordinary for a child her age. He could be able to face Konoha’s teenagers.

But to face threats like Jura, Himawari must be faster.

3. Because of frequent healing, the chakra used increases.

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Himawari, such a small child, fought with Jura, and quickly lost, Jura beat Himawari severely.

Himawari’s body was injured, however chakras Kurama immediately healed him. But this is a double-edged sword.

Jura said that Himawari was getting weaker, because the more often she healed, the more she healed chakras used.

4. Kurama is still small, his chakra is limited

kurama-little-and-himawari.jpgShueisha/Boruto: Two Blue Vortex

Kurama in Himawari’s body is smaller than before in Naruto’s body, and Kurama’s body size affects the number of chakras-his. The proof was when Minato split it in two chakras Kurama into his body, then Kurama becomes smaller.

Plus the third point, proves that chakras Himawari and chakras Even Kurama feels limited in number, because healing makes it weak.

5. Himawari doesn’t know many “tricks” to use Kurama’s power

Himawari Kyubi KuramaShueisha/Boruto: Two Blue Vortex

This is very natural, Himawari just found out that Kurama was in her body and she never even knew Kurama’s strength and potential strength Jinchuriki.

Because of that, Himawari doesn’t know many tricks about using Kurama’s power, apart from that Bijuu Mammoth Jura was also surprised because Himawari could do it straight away.

What kind of trick? For example, optimizing usage chakras Kurama, the ability to detect negative auras, as well as the ability to move faster than ordinary people.

That’s Himawari’s weakness as well Jinchuriki Kurama, what do you think?

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