6 Devil Fruits That Are Available Again in One Piece Because Their Eaters Die

6 Devil Fruits That Are Available Again in One Piece Because Their Eaters Die

If a Devil Fruit eater dies… One Piecethen the Devil Fruit will return to circulation.

Just look what happened to Fruit Mera Mera which Ace previously owned. Also what happens to Fruit Mane Mane and Fruit Bari Bari, which previously belonged to Kurozumi Higurashi and Kurozumi Semimaru.

The first owner of the fruit dies, and the fruit becomes available again for others to eat.

There are those fruits that find new eaters. For example, the three mentioned previously. Or Suke Suke no Mi who had been transferred to Shiryu, and Gura Gura no Mi who had been transferred to Whitebeard.

Well, there is a Devil Fruit whose eater has died but it is not yet known whether the fruit has a new eater or not. Here are four of them!

1. Toki Toki no Mi

Kozuki TokiKozuki Toki towards the end. (Doc. Toei Animation)

Toki Toki no Mi is Kozuki Toki’s Devil Fruit. This Devil Fruit allows the eater to jump into the future.

Toki has died in the past, but so far no one has discovered a Devil Fruit with this interesting potential power.

2. Nagi Nagi no Mi

one piece - donquixote rosinante smile.jpgDonquixote Rosinante smiled. (funimation.com/One Piece)

Fruit Nagi Nagi formerly owned by Rosinante. This Devil Fruit can generate soundproof areas.

After Rosinante’s death, Fruit Nagi Nagi available again in the world One Piece. However, it is not yet known whether this Devil Fruit has been eaten by other people or not.

3. Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl

smiley sara sara no mi model axolotl devil fruit one piece.jpgonepiece.fandom.com

For Smiley, this is a unique case.

When Smiley dies, there is an apple nearby that turns into a Devil Fruit, which apparently yes Sara Sara no Mi Model: Axolotl.

This incident seems to give an indication of what will happen when a Devil Fruit eater dies. Maybe when a Devil Fruit eater dies, somewhere there is a fruit that turns into a Devil Fruit.

Even so, and even though we’ve seen what happens to Devil Fruits Sara Sara no Mi Model: Axolotl, It is not yet known who then ate the Devil Fruit that previously belonged to Smiley.

4. Yuki Yuki no Mi

devil fruit logia yuki yuki no mi - monetyoutube.com/LuffyGear9000

Monet died because Caesar stabbed his heart. Caesar didn’t realize that what he destroyed was Monet’s heart, not Smoker’s.

With Monet’s death, then Yuki Yuki no Mi also available again for other people to consume.

This fruit is not bad if it can be obtained by other pirates, because of its class Logia.

That’s four more Devil Fruits available at One Piece because the owner died.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments column!

5. Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi

captionOrochi’s snake form. (Doc. Toei Animation/One Piece)

Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi is a Devil Fruit that is actually interesting.

Orochi as the eater must be beheaded 8 times before he dies.

But Orochi himself fortunately feels weak, to the point of being a fighter like Para Akazaya Nine can easily cut off their heads.

Orochi seems to have really died after the Onigashima incident, so this Devil Fruit is available again.

We’ll see if the next eater will be better at utilizing its powers than Orochi.

6. Fude Fude no Mi

fude fude no mi one piece kanjuro devil fruitKanjuro’s Fude Fude no Mi. (Doc. Toei Animation)

Fude Fude no Mi is the name of Kurozumi Kanjuro’s Devil Fruit.

Kanjuro appears to have died in Onigashima.

So this Devil Fruit should be available again for other people to eat.

So, those are the six Devil Fruits whose eater has died and should be available again for other people to eat.

Apart from these six, there are possibilities Nomi Nomi no Mi Vegapunk’s will also be available again. Vegapunk’s main body seems to be dead, it can be seen from the message that his death has now been broadcast automatically throughout the world.

Even so, I’ll hold off on that one until the Egghead arc is finished. Because of this One PieceI really needed clear confirmation a character was dead before including him on this list.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments column!

First published 2021, republished May 16 2024 with additional points 5 and 6.

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