Sometimes, it feels like commander level Yonko it was still under admiral.
The most recent, in One Piece 1053, Aramaki alias Ryokugyu can defeat King and Queen at the same time.
Previously at Marineford Jozu could also be frozen by Aokiji. When Marco’s attention is diverted at Marineford, he can also be attacked by Kizaru. Especially when Onigumo then handcuffed Marco with Sea Stone handcuffs.
Is there a commander Yonko who might be able to beat the admiral One Piece?
I think this is the most likely. From generations Yonko Currently, these are the six most likely to take down the Admiral!
1. Benn Beckman
When Benn Beckman held Kizaru at gunpoint at Marineford, Kizaru stopped.
Kizaru’s reaction seemed to indicate that if he wasn’t careful, he could be harmed by Beckman.
That moment made me feel like Benn Beckman was a commander Yonko who can beat the admiral.
2. Roronoa Zoro
In the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy is considered to be Yonko while Zoro and the other crew were mistaken for executives.
If that is the scenario, then I think Roronoa Zoro, who usually faces the number two person in the enemy group, is the most likely to defeat the admiral.
Zoro himself has proven that he is commander level Yonko by defeating King.
Slash Haoshoku Haki Zoro could be the key. Characters like Jozu, King, and Queen do not have such attacks. We have also seen that even Kaido feels pain when he gets slashed Haoshoku Haki Zoro.
If Zoro could hit an enemy like Ryokugyu or Fujitora with his slash, he would probably injure them badly.
I think the admiral that Zoro is most likely to defeat is Fujitora because Fujitora is also a swordsman. Of course, Zoro also has to be wary of strength Zushi Zushi no Mi Fujitora’s.
3. Sanji
After his power increase, I think Sanji is also a commander level character Yonko who can beat the admiral.
With his agility, Sanji is also one of the characters who can imagine matching Kizaru’s speed of light.
Then, with his increased endurance, Sanji could be really difficult to bring down, even by admiral level fighters.
Sanji didn’t really stand a chance against the admiral in Egghead, but I still believe he could have taken the admiral down.
4. Jinbe
Jinbe is a very strong and experienced figure.
I think he could even knock out an admiral in a fight.
Especially if the fight takes place at sea.
5. Dracule Mihawk
Mihawk and Crocodile are actually a high ranking duo of Cross Guild.
But because of a misunderstanding, Buggy was mistaken for their boss.
So the world might think Mihawk is the group commander Yonko at Cross Guild.
In terms of strength, Mihawk used to be able to match Shanks.
If he had gone head-to-head with a Navy admiral, he might have won.
6. Kuzan
Yes, this is a unique name indeed.
Because before he resigned from the Navy he was indeed an admiral!
Kuzan may have lost to Sakazuki in the past.
But if he fought Aramaki, Issho, or Borsalino, Kuzan might win.
So that’s six commanders Yonko who might be able to beat the admiral.
What do you think?
Tell us in the comments column!
First published June 23, 2022, republished June 23, 2024.