7 Facts About Chocho, the Tough Akimichi Princess in Boruto!

7 Fakta Chocho, Putri Akimichi di Boruto yang Tangguh!

As the daughter of Choji and Karui, there are several unique features about Chocho Akimichi even though her appearance is very similar to both of her parents.

One of Kunoichi Boruto’s class is also very eccentric and quite famous in his class.

What are the facts about Chocho Akimichi? Come on, take a look below!

1. The name could still mean butterfly

preview boruto episode 156 - chocho butterfly mode_200705054712.jpgcrunchyroll.com/Boruto Naruto Next Generations

In contrast to Choji, the meaning and meaning of the name Chocho does not explicitly use the meaning of butterfly.

As for Choji, the kanji in his name actually means second butterfly.

In Chocho’s case, it has a double meaning, it could be “very super” or something similar and it could also mean butterfly too.

2. Better calorie control ability than his father

boruto chocho akimichi butterfly fashioncrunchyroll.com/Boruto Naruto Next Generations

Of course it would be better at the same age, if at present Choji is clearly superior.

When she was still at the same age, which was 12 years old, Chocho’s calorie control ability was very great.

He can already control his body changes to become big even using the mode Butterflies very easily at the age of 12, something that was difficult for Choji to do at the same age.

It is understandable that Choji’s lack of self-confidence and uncertainty about himself in his youth is what prevented him from becoming strong, unlike Chocho who is very confident.

3. Unlike Choji and Karui, Chocho’s nature is very relaxed.

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This is also unique because Chocho is one of the most relaxed characters in Boruto’s generation.

Relaxed here also has two meanings, firstly he is not an emotional person, secondly he doesn’t really care what people say, thirdly he is generally relaxed and doesn’t like to be rushed.

Choji gets really mad when someone calls him fat, but Chocho doesn’t mind or even care when someone calls her fat.

Karui is an emotional person, but Chocho is far from being angry.

4. Has lightning element from his mother but rarely uses it

captionChoji and Karui in Boruto. (Doc. Pierrot/Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)

Choji has the natural elements of fire and earth, of course, as well as the element Which because it comes from Akimichi who can control body size.

Meanwhile Karui has the lightning nature element. Well Chocho has the same nature element as her mother with a combination of elements Which of the Akimichi clan.

However, Chocho almost never uses the lightning element because she uses the Akimichi’s signature techniques to fight, just like Choji who never uses the earth or fire elements.

5. Can eat anything as long as it is edible

boruto episode 140 preview - chocho chipscrunchyroll.com/Boruto Naruto Next Generations

In Databooks Usually each character has their favorite and disliked foods.

Chocho is said to like all food as long as the food is still edible.

Specifically, he doesn’t have a favorite food (he likes everything), even Choji still has a favorite food, namely Koran barbecue and potato chips.

6. Fans of love

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Boruto’s force is more “relaxed” because they don’t live in an era of war.

Therefore, many characters like Chocho grow up like typical teenagers in the modern era who think about romance.

Chocho likes all things related to love and also hopes that one day a handsome man will love her.

7. His hobby is watching TV dramas

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Still related to the sixth point, Chocho’s hobby is quite relaxing.

He has a liking for TV dramas, aka soap operas, which are broadcast on television.

Her two favorite actors are Tomaru and Ashina, and there was even a special episode dedicated to Chocho’s love of TV dramas and these two actors.

So, those are seven facts about Chocho Akimichi. What do you think?

The first article was published on July 7, 2022 and re-released on June 28, 2024.

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