7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!

7 Fakta Shinichi Kudo, Detektif Idaman di Balik Edogawa Conan!

Shinichi Kudo is a brilliant detective in the anime series Detective Conan who has an extraordinary talent for solving mysteries with his clever wit and sharp analytical skills, despite being trapped in the body of a small child after undergoing mysterious changes.

Shinichi Kudo has become a name that is commonly mentioned when talking about famous characters in anime history. So, what are the interesting things behind the original figure of Edogawa Conan? So, find 7 facts about Shinichi Kudo here!

1. Back and forth as Edogawa Conan!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

For those of you who don’t really follow the series, Shinichi doesn’t always turn into Conan, you know! In several storylines, he returned to being Shinichi, although in the end he turned back into Conan!

2. Played by Shun Oguri!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

So, for adaptation live actionIn the past, Shinichi was played by an actor who was no less charismatic. This figure is none other than Shun Oguri, the character of Genji Takiya in Crows Zero!

3. Shinichi was actually designed based on Conan!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

Interestingly, Shinichi was designed based on Conan Edogawa! Aoyama Gosho, the comic artist, also mentioned that Shinichi’s hair design appeared quickly, because it only took one minute!

4. The parodies are everywhere!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

Shinichi cannot be denied is one of the most popular anime characters of all time. It’s not surprising that the anime arrived entertainer in Japan he often gets parodies in various versions!

5. Become a legal mascot!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

Shinichi was so popular in Japan as a mystery anime series character, he became a mascot for law enforcers to remind people to obey the laws in force in Japan!

6. Have many names!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

Shinichi has a lot of names in foreign adaptations! In America, he is called Jimmy Kudo, in China he is called Xinyi Gongteng with the same kanji as his real name, and in Latin America he was popular with the name Bobby Jackson, you know!

7. His parents know!

7 Facts about Shinichi Kudo, the Ideal Detective Behind Edogawa Conan!TMS Entertainment/Detective Conan

His parents, Yusaku and Yukiko Kudo live in the United States. However, they also know Shinichi’s identity as Conan Edogawa. Of course, Shinichi’s detective abilities were inherited from his parents!

Those are 7 facts about Shinichi Kudo, the real figure behind Conan Edogawa. Have other unique facts? Tell us via the comments column below!

Article first published on June 1, 2023, re-released on April 11, 2024.

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