7 Things Orochimaru Taught Sasuke in the Naruto Series

7 Hal yang Diajarkan Orochimaru ke Sasuke di Serial Naruto

Team 7 all have their own masters who come from the legendary Sannin, including Sasuke, who was trained by Orochimaru.

But unlike Naruto and Sakura who were seen being trained by Jiraiya and Tsunade, what about Sasuke? What did Orochimaru train?

1. Kenjutsu – Fighting with weapons

Sasuke and Danzo, two figures who once wanted to become HokageSasuke and Danzo, two figures who once wanted to become Hokage. (Doc. Pierrot)

Previously Sasuke did use it Kenjutsuspecifically the Uchiha clan’s signature Shuriken technique.

However, after being trained by Orochimaru, Sasuke also had weapons Kenjutsu the other is the Kusanagi sword. Sasuke’s sword name is the same as Orochimaru’s sword name.

2. Practice controlling the curse seal

curse sasuke cursePierrot/Naruto Studios

Before being trained by Orochimaru, Sasuke couldn’t really control the power of the cursed seal, especially his physical transformation.

After being trained by Orochimaru, Sasuke managed to use it more freely, but now the cursed seal is no longer there.

3. Training Genjutsu Sharingan

Sasuke SharinganPierrot/Naruto Studios

Sasuke certainly already has Sharingan from the start because he was of Uchiha descent, but Sasuke rarely used it Genjutsu Sharingan when I was a child.

In ShippudenSasuke is shown using it frequently Genjutsu, even when dueling with Itachi he used this technique. There are indications that this technique was also trained by Orochimaru.

4. Variations in lightning techniques and possibly Kirin as well

captionKirin Jutsu. (Doc. Pierot/naruto-shippuden)

In ShippudenSasuke hones the natural lightning elements he has and uses them with various techniques.

There are indications and there is a big possibility that Kirin he also learned in his training with Orochimaru.

5. Chidori variations and manipulation techniques


After training with Orochimaru, Sasuke has several variations Chidori different according to their needs.

Apart from that, he also learned to manipulate the shape of chakras this lightning so that it can be formed and flowed on his sword.

6. Kuchiyose snake

aoda snake.jpgPierrot/Naruto Shippuden

Team 7 has a contract Kuchiyose whose source is the same as their master, in Sasuke’s case it is Kuchiyose The snake from Ryuchi’s cave is the same as Orochimaru.

Even Sasuke trained with enough strength to summon Manda and Aoda.

7. Trained to fight against many enemies

sasuke vs 1000 ninjasPierrot/Naruto Studios

Orochimaru also trained Sasuke hard and immediately threw him into practice to become strong.

One of them is doing training against 1000 Otogakure ninjas within a certain period of time and Sasuke wins!

That’s what Orochimaru taught Sasuke. Is there anything else? Write in the comments column, OK?

Article first published on October 16, 2022, re-released on June 21, 2024.

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