8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk. Then, those who are fasting are also advised to do sahur, which is an eating activity carried out in the early morning or before dawn.

Not surprisingly, there will be many people looking for recommendations for a suitable menu to enjoy at dawn. Generally, the recommended foods are foods that can make you feel full for a long time.

You can find these references from many media, including anime which is now watched by millions of people. So, here are a number of sahur ideas from anime that you might consider.

1. Omurice

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. SILVER LINK./ Isekai Shokudou

You will definitely be familiar with this menu of fried rice covered in omelette, aka omelet. Called omurice (a combination of the words omelette and rice)this typical Japanese food often appears in many anime from various genres, such as Isekai Shokudou, Hanasaku Iroha, Attack on Titan, The Way of Househusband, until Blue Exorcist.

Combining Western cultural dishes, omurice is a dish of white rice fried with tomato sauce, then the rice is wrapped in a half-cooked omelette and usually garnished with sauce on top of the omelette.

You can also create fried rice with toppings others, such as meat or vegetables.

2. Bento

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. Production IG/ Ao Haru Ride

Next there is bento or what is also often known as o-bento. This food refers to food served in a lunch box. The contents are usually complete, namely in the form of rice accompanied by various kinds of side dishes and full of vegetables.

Like packaged rice in Indonesia, Japanese bento is very suitable to be served as a lunch or dinner menu. In anime, bento is usually taken by the characters as supplies for school or when going on a picnic.

This form of bento appears quite often in anime, such as Ao Haru Ride, InuYasha, One Week Friends, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, and many more.

Oh yes, bento also consists of many types, you know! Among them are Shokado Bento, Chuka Bento, Kamameshi Bento, Makunouchi Bento, Noriben, as well as Hinomaru Bento. You can customize what fillings you want to serve with the bento you will eat at dawn.

3. Onigiri

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. Ufotable/ Kimetsu no Yaiba

Onigiri is certainly also quite common among anime fans. This is a typical Japanese rice ball that is compressed while still warm and shaped according to taste, usually round or triangular, then coated with a piece of seaweed or nori.

Onigiri is a fairly simple dish. Moreover, to eat it, we don’t need chopsticks.

That’s why, in anime, onigiri is often used as a meal by characters who are on a trip and have to eat their lunch quickly. You can see examples of this in anime Kimetsu no Yaiba, Pokemon, Spirited Away, and others.

As is often sold in supermarkets, onigiri is usually filled with various flavors, from mentai salmon to pickles. Onigiri is usually also a complement to bento dishes.

4. Katsudon

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. MAPPA/ Yuri on Ice

The next sahur idea is katsudon. In the original recipe, katsudon This actually comes with a topping in the form of breaded fried pork. This corresponds to the equivalent words that form words katsudonthat is tonkatsu which means ‘pork cut’ and donburi which means ‘bowl of rice’.

However, those of you who fast during the month of Ramadan can create your own toppings which is safe to consume, for example with beef or chicken breast filet. Moreover, currently there are many alternative recipes available that can replace certain ingredients in food.

This dish is featured quite often in anime Yuri!! on Ice, precisely after Yuri won the competition. In its history, katsudon It is indeed the main dish every time someone celebrates a victory.

5. Ebi Fry

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. PA Works/ Tari Tari

Just like his name, ebi fry or what is usually called ebi furai In Japanese, it is a dish in the form of fried shrimp coated in breadcrumbs. When you eat it, there is a crunchy sensation when you first bite, followed by the texture of the soft shrimp inside.

Characteristics of ebi furai This is a form of fried shrimp with a straight shape. So, there are special techniques that need to be used so that the shrimp’s shape does not return to its original shape, one of which is by slashing the shrimp’s body.

Generally, ebi furai become a complement to boxed rice or bento. This food often appears in anime Tari Tari, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Restaurant to Another World, until Horizon Logs.

6. Tempura

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. Ufotable/ Kimetsu no Yaiba

Even though the appearance looks similar to ebi furaitempura is actually a different dish, especially if you look at the coating mixture and frying technique.

Tempura is a dish of seafood and vegetables coated with a mixture of flour and egg yolk which is diluted with low-temperature water, then fried until it produces a crispy texture.

In anime, tempura is usually described as a comfort food that everyone loves. Hanasaku Iroha, Nichijou, Usagi Drop, even K-On!! is an anime that often displays this dish.

7. Oden soup

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. Toei Animation/One Piece

Oden is the next menu that is suitable to be eaten at dawn. This is a type of Japanese soup seasoned with broth Dashi as well as soy sauce. The contents are varied, starting from eggs, fish cake, to various kinds of vegetables.

Oden may be one of the typical dishes that sticks most in the memory of lovers One Piece, precisely through the character Kozuki Oden who names himself after his favorite dish. Moreover, his figure plays an important role in arc special.

8. Curry or Kare

8 Sahur Ideas from Anime, Make You Full Until You Break the Fast!dock. JCStaff/ Shokugeki no Souma

Lastly, there is the menu Curry or what is more popularly called kare in Japanese. Curry itself is also known in a number of countries, including Indonesia, Thailand and even India.

However, Japanese-style curry has a more distinctive taste. The taste tends to be sweet and the spices are not very strong. So, this dish is suitable for people who cannot eat spicy food.

Kare also often appears in many anime, one of which is Shokugeki no Souma.

So, those are some ideas for sahur from anime that can be used as a reference for your sahur menu to make it more varied. Good luck!

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