9 Meito One Piece that is not a sword! Stay Strong and Dangerous

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous

Meito its literal translation is “Famous Sword.”

Therefore, the majority Meito in One Piece yes of course it is a sword.

However, it turns out that One Piece There are also Meito which is not a sword. What’s that? This is what is known!

1. Murakumogiri

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous onepiece-treasurecruise.com

Whitebeard’s Murakumogiri is Meito with levels Saijō Ō Wazamono, the highest quality weapons in the world One Piece.

Even so, Murakumogiri is not a sword. This weapon is naginata.

2. Takeru

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Yamato in One Piece 1051. (Doc. Shueisha/One Piece)

Takeru is the name cannabo Yamato.

This weapon is classified Meito too, but still classified Unknown Grade aka the exact level is not yet known.

In terms of strength, you have seen it yourself. Yamato can use Takeru very well.

3. Mogura

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Katakuri’s design for One Piece Film Red. (twitter.com/OP_FILMRED)

Mogura is Katakuri’s trident.

Mogura is one of them Meito still Unknown Gradethe exact level is not yet known.

When fighting Luffy, Katakuri was shown to be able to use Mogura expertly.

4. Daisenso

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Krieg and Daisenso. (Doc. Toei Animation/One Piece)

Daisenso is Krieg’s spear.

Yes, this weapon is classified Meito. The exact level is unknown… although if you look at Luffy being able to destroy the sharp part, maybe this isn’t it Meito high level.

Uniqueness Daisenso Apart from piercing, this weapon also has an explosive function.

5. Neko no Te

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Kuro is about to deploy Shakushi. (Doc. Toei Animation/One Piece)

Basically Kuro’s Neko no Te is a glove with sharp blades.

Neko no Te belongs to Meito Which Unknown Grade.

6. Kessui

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Dock. Toei Animation

Kessui is the name of Hannyabal’s weapon.

This weapon Meito classified Unknown Grade.

Kessui himself actually is naginata.

7. Nonosama Bo

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous wall.alphacoders.com

Nonosama Bo is the stick weapon used by Enel.

Enel’s stick also turns out to be classified Meitoalthough the level is not yet known.

8. Bruiser Axe

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Brogy in One Piece Treasure Cruise. (Doc. Bandai Namco/One Piece Treasure Cruise)

The Bruiser Ax owned by Brogy the giant is a classified ax Meito. The grade of this weapon is unknown.

This Bruiser Ax is unfortunately included Meito which has been destroyed.

At the end of the Little Garden arc, Brogy and Dorry launch a joint attack to help the Straw Hats from the Island Predator, a giant goldfish that can devour islands. The attack is successful, but Brogy’s Bruiser Ax and Dorry’s Terry Sword are damaged.

But when Brogy acts again on Egghead, you can see he already has the ax again!

9. Hassaikai

9 Meito One Piece That Is Not A Sword!  Stay Strong And Dangerous Kaido and Hassaikai. (Doc. Bandai Namco/One Piece Pirate Warriors 4)

Hassaikai is the name of cannabo Kaido’s.

What’s interesting is, Hassaikai falls into a category Ungraded. Different from Takeru, he still has Yamato Unknown.

Weapons that fall into categories Ungraded it still belongs Meito, but it doesn’t have any special qualities that stand out. Even so, that doesn’t mean the weapon is weak.

Hassaikai has proven to be a powerful weapon in Kaido’s hands even though it is classified Ungraded. Luffy and Oden have only lost to this weapon.

Well that’s nine Meito One Piece which is not a sword.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments column!

First published July 8, 2022, republished May 5, 2024.

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