Build Divide is an action fantasy anime series that aired in 2021, based on an original concept by Yuhodo and Aniplex. It is a thrilling and strategic story of card game players who compete for power and wishes in a city ruled by a mysterious King. The anime is produced by Liden Films and directed by Hiroyuki Komada.
The anime is set in Neo Kyoto, a place where everything is decided through the card game “Build Divide.” From resolving personal conflicts to determining social status, success in Build Divide means success in life. The biggest ambition of every player is to become the King, whose peerless skills grant them near-total rule over the city. One day, a young man wakes up in Neo Kyoto—with the knowledge of just his name, Teruto Kurabe, and carrying only a deck for a card game he no longer knows. Teruto soon encounters another player, Sakura Banka, who helps him remember both how to play Build Divide and his original mission: that no matter what, he must meet the King. Teaming up together, Teruto and Sakura find that their best chance for a royal audience is with the Rebuild tournament, where the one who collects twenty-one tokens from other competitors can challenge the King for their throne. However, as Teruto continues to play, he begins to regain his lost memories that call into question the very nature of Neo Kyoto.
The anime has a fast-paced and fun style that matches the genre and the theme of the story. The animation is decent and colorful, using realistic and futuristic designs to depict the different locations and characters. The action scenes are well-animated and exciting, featuring battles with cards, powers, and strategies against various opponents. The music is fitting and catchy, using rock and pop tunes to match the mood and the pace of the scenes. The voice acting is decent and expressive, using different languages such as Japanese, English, and Chinese.
The anime has a complex and diverse cast of characters, each with their own personality, background, role, and development. Teruto is the main protagonist, but he is not a typical hero. He is smart, charismatic, and loyal, but also reckless, greedy, and unlucky. He wants to meet the King and fulfill his wish, but he also faces challenges and risks along the way. Sakura is the main heroine, but she is not a typical love interest. She is cheerful, optimistic, and friendly, but also curious, reckless, and emotional. She helps Teruto with her knowledge and skills, but she also has her own secrets and motives.
The anime also features other characters who have their own stories and roles in the plot. Some of them are allies or enemies of Teruto’s group; some of them are members or leaders of other factions; some of them are humans or card players; some of them are based on historical or mythical figures. They all add depth and variety to the anime.
Build Divide is an anime that will entertain and thrill you. It has an engaging plot that combines action and fantasy; it has an attractive style that showcases reality and fantasy; it has an interesting theme that examines power and wishes. It is an anime that I recommend to anyone who likes thrilling and strategic stories.