Did you know that episode 4 of the Alya anime cut a bath scene? After the airing of episode 4 of Alya fans noticed that the Alya anime did not include the bath scene from the manga.
A quick summary of what happens in episode 4, we have a cute moment between Masachika and Alya in which she ends up saying that she loves him in Russian, this after he saves her from a very complicated situation between two clubs and promises that he would help her become the president of the board.
Alya Anime Didn’t Include Bath Scene From Manga
So right at the end of the episode, Alya is in her bed dying of shame because she told Masachika that she loved him (in Russian of course), and at that moment Masha comes in from the street and shows the plush she bought, however this scene in the manga is very different.
Check out the comparison below:

The two scenes above, from the anime and the manga, refer to the same part of the story, but while in the manga we have Alya and Masha naked in the bathroom talking, the anime followed the light novel and showed the scene as it is in the novel. Apparently the manga included a lot more ecchi scenes.
Let’s see how the Japanese reacted to this change? Since the bath scene was completely cut from the anime:
“I don’t care about this scene, I want the ecchi version of the sister.”
“Trash anime without ecchi.”
“The original of this isn’t a manga, right?” The original is a light novel and in the light novel this scene takes place in bed, so in this case the anime is following the light novel more and it was the manga that made the change.
“Are there any nude scenes with nipples in the bound volumes?”
“Roshidere is so boring. Why did they cut out the ecchi parts and just have the student council president and the protagonist talking all the time? What a silly anime.”
“This is a desecration of ecchi.”
“In the manga, is she naked holding a stuffed animal?”
“Well, breaking into the bathroom is weird.”
“Please release the scenes not shown on the Blu-ray.”
“They lure with ecchi and then do this…”