Alya’s light novel Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian or Roshidere has always been a sales success, we published news here of when the light novel sold a lot leaving everyone by surprise and this season the anime finally premiered.
Although some concern has been raised because his studio, Doga Kobo, is also producing the Oshi no Ko anime, the quality of the anime is not leaving anything to be desired.

The anime is about a girl named Alya who says sweet things in Russian to the protagonist but in Japanese she only says insults, however because of a childhood friend our protagonist studied and understands Russian, so he knows exactly what she says and honestly, these situations are very funny and cute:

I found Alya to be a very cute girl and even more “calm” in the second episode, I liked the anime in its first episode but it was now in the second that I really started to love the anime and all of this thanks to the protagonist’s sister who provided us with scenes like this:

And most importantly this one:

I loved the fact that she acts completely different at school, there no one knows that the two are siblings and I honestly loved the chemistry between the two, who joke around with each other in a very natural way.
I’m in love with her!

But what I loved the most was seeing the interactions between the brothers and Alya, who has no idea that they are brothers and thinks that there is something going on between them and well, she provokes Alya:

Did you notice that I still don’t know everyone’s names? Which is normal, it takes me a while to learn names hahaha.

Towards the end of episode 2, Alya and the protagonist are buying clothes for her, and Alya keeps putting different pieces out for him to see and evaluate, and he’s even upfront about calling her pretty with the new pieces, until her sister comes back and…

I loved the fact that they were siblings, the jokes between them, her teasing, and that she was an otaku but pretended to be all serious at school.

Besides that, Alya is also cute and doesn’t fall behind, honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve been excited about a romantic comedy but I think all those sales are really proving to be justified.
You’re noticing that I haven’t been doing episode comment posts anymore, right? This season at least I won’t be able to do these posts for some personal reasons, I hope to return next time, but I’ll try to do posts like these here.