In an interview with the Japanese Nikkei during the Tokyo Game Show 2023, Haruhiro Tsujimotothe president of Capcomtalked about the rising cost of game development and that the price of their games should be higher to reflect this.
Tsujimoto stated:
Personally, I feel that the prices of games are too low. Development costs are about 100 times higher than in the Famicom (NES) era, but the price of software has not risen as much.
It is also necessary to increase salaries to attract talented people. Given that wages are rising across the industry, I think the option to increase unit prices is a healthy form of business.
Although some publishers have started charging $70 for their games, Capcom has not yet made that decision. In 2022 the Capcom revealed that it would increase its employees’ salaries by 30% and create a bonus system corresponding to the company’s performance.