Censorship in ReZero 3 is to Reach More Countries

We recently published here a change in the designs that two characters from the ReZero anime underwent. Basically if you haven’t seen it here, the characters Liliana and Capella have had changes to their clothes compared to the light novel versions.

To begin with, this is Liliana in the light novel:

Censorship in ReZero 3 is to Reach More Countries

And this is Liliana in the anime:

Censorship in ReZero 3 is to Reach More Countries

And now you can check out Capella:

Censorship in ReZero 3 is to Reach More Countries

And its version in the anime:

Censorship in ReZero 3 is to Reach More Countries

As you can see, they had their tops and shorts enlarged, and the reason for this was given by the anime’s character designer, Haruka Sagawa went to her twitter explain that the changes in the designs of some characters are due “to reach more people than possible” is that “each country has its own transmission rules”. so that’s the reason.

Censorship in ReZero 3 is to Reach More Countries

Obviously many are not happy (and rightly so, censorship is never good), this shows that in order to be broadcast in as many countries as possible, they are censoring the anime at the source, instead of making local changes.

And this also indicates that this was not her decision but rather that of her superiors who asked her to censor such characters. Anyway, how do you feel about this change? And will the scene of Priscilla changing her clothes be completely removed?

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