Check out 10 biggest My Hero Academia mysteries that the series needs to answer before it ends

My Hero Academia is a manga series that has captured the imagination of a legion of fans around the world. Known for its gripping superhero narrative, the series is now approaching its climax, leaving fans in a state of anticipation and anxiety.

With its final arc underway, there are several unanswered questions that haunt the minds of the series’ followers. These mysteries range from the whereabouts of specific characters to fundamental questions that have the potential to completely alter the understanding of the fictional world of My Hero Academia.

The Nature of Mysteries in My Hero Academia

Some of these mysteries have been the subject of debate and speculation among fans for years, while others have emerged more recently. While there is a possibility that some of these questions will be clarified before the manga ends, many fans are skeptical that all the answers will be provided. These mysteries, ranging from character details to deeper intrigue, have kept fans engaged and theorizing about possible revelations.

10. The Enigma Surrounding Best Jeanist

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 299

The character Best Jeanist mysteriously disappeared after his defeat to All for One. Hawks is later seen delivering what appeared to be Best Jeanist’s body to Dabi, raising suspicions about the hero’s possible death. However, Best Jeanist returns in a surprising way, raising questions about how he survived in the villains’ custody and what his intentions were in keeping him alive.

9. The Nature Mystery of Kamui Woods

Relevant Chapter: Character Profile, Volume 10

Kamui Woods, a hero whose appearance is marked by tree-like characteristics, raises questions about his true nature. His dark past, documented in a popular film in the series’ universe, and his close association with nature raise questions about whether he is truly human or something more mystical, like a nature spirit.

8. Dr. Garaki’s Connection to Deku

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 1

At the beginning of the series, young Midoriya is taken to a doctor who specializes in Quirks, who later reveals himself to be Kyudai Garaki, an ally of the villain All for One. This revelation raises suspicions about Garaki’s true role and whether he could have influenced somehow Deku’s destiny.

7. The Origin of Gigantomachia

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 221

Gigantomachia is a colossal villain with multiple Quirks, whose loyalty to All for One is notorious. The question of how he became this towering figure, whether it was his own choice or a forced transformation, remains an enigma. His Quirk Endurance ability and the possibility of cloning by Garaki add additional layers of mystery to his origin.

6. Deku’s Father: An Absent Character

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 1

The absence of Deku’s father, Hisashi Midoriya, has been a point of interest throughout the series. With little information about him available, fans have been speculating about his relevance to the story and whether his identity or history will be revealed before the end of the series.

5. Director Nezu’s Secrets

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 66

Principal Nezu, a unique character in My Hero Academia, is a mouse with super intelligence. His mysterious past, marked by an apparent resentment against humans, coupled with his substantial wealth, raises several questions. How did Nezu accumulate his fortune and what is the true extent of his dark past? There are indications that he may have been subjected to experiments before being recognized as an intelligent person, which could explain some of his characteristics and behaviors.

4. The Phenomenon of Peculiar Awakenings

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 226

The concept of “Awakening” in My Hero Academia is fascinating and complex. Occurring in extreme life or death situations, this phenomenon increases the powers of an individual’s Quirk. However, the exact rules and nature of this process are nebulous. Why do some characters experience Awakenings while others do not, even in similar circumstances? Furthermore, the possibility of artificially inducing Awakenings remains unexplored, which could be a turning point in the series if it were investigated further.

3. The Creation of the Nomu

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 283

The Nomu represents one of the biggest threats in My Hero Academia, but its creation and evolution remain a mystery. While Kurogiri, the first known Nomu, is quite distinct from the others, details about how the Nomu were enhanced and Gigantomachia’s role in that process remain unclear. The question of how bodies are selected and transformed into Nomu is a dark and intriguing topic that has yet to be explored in depth.

2. One For All’s “Zero” User Identity

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 59

One For All is a key Quirk in My Hero Academia, but the mystery of the original user, who preceded Yoichi, remains unsolved. The absence of this individual in the Quirk lineage and the lack of information about his contribution to the creation of One For All are elements that generate speculation and theories among fans.

1. The Origin of Quirks

Relevant Chapter: Chapter 407

The origin of Quirks is, perhaps, the biggest mystery in the series. Although the Luminiscent Baby in China is often cited as the first known case, revelations about All for One’s past suggest a more complex story. The theory of a mouse-borne virus as the origin of Quirks is intriguing, but the lack of concrete evidence leaves the question open. The sudden and simultaneous appearance of Quirks around the world is a phenomenon that defies understanding and remains one of the series’ greatest enigmas.

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