The “Dragon Ball” series is one of the most influential and enduring anime franchises, originating in 1984. For more than four decades, it has captivated global audiences, establishing itself as a mainstay in the shōnen genre.
The series is notable for its engaging stories, epic battles, lively soundtrack and striking characters. A central aspect of “Dragon Ball” are the transformations of the characters, especially the so-called Z Fighters, who undergo several physical and power changes throughout the series.
These transformations not only provide spectacular moments in the plot, but have also become an iconic aspect of shōnen anime. Let’s explore some of these characters’ most memorable transformations, starting from #11 to #1.
Z Fighters Transformations
11. Master Roshi’s Maximum Power Form
10. Tien’s Four Witches Technique

9. Trunks’ Super Saiyan Rage

8. Krillin’s Selfless State

7. Gotenks: The Fusion of Goten and Trunks

6. Good Buu in Shape

5. Super Android 17 in Dragon Ball GT

4. Orange Piccolo in “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero”

3. Ultra Ego Vegeta

2. Mastered Ultra Instinct

1. Gohan Beast in “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero”
These transformations are vivid examples of how “Dragon Ball” continues to innovate and surprise its fans, even after decades of history.
The Dragon Ball anime is available in full on Crunchyroll.