Comic A Sereia da Floresta will be published in Brazil by Editora JBC

A JBC Publisher announced this Monday (06) in a live on the website channel HQ Universe who will publish the Brazilian comic in Brazil The Forest Mermaidin Hiro Kawaharathrough the Start! label, the label intended for Brazilian works.

The Forest Mermaid will win by JBC a new edition with a new cover, new finishing and exclusive content. The comic will be launched at the JBC during the CCXP23, which takes place between November 29th and December 3rd in São Paulo. Following the event, the work will also be available to the entire market with the printed version being distributed in bookstores and comic shops throughout Brazil, and the digital version will also be available on the main e-book platforms (Kindle, Kobo, Google Books and iBooks).

The comic will be published in a single volume, the printed edition will be 17cm x 24cm, dog-eared cover and localized varnish, 160 pages (color) and costing R$69.90.

Synopsis of The Forest Mermaid

A mermaid makes a pact to survive in another world and in another body. She resurfaces in a European forest during the Middle Ages, where she meets a Persian doctor and alchemist. Together, they try to adapt to this new reality, while the Great Plague and the Inquisition ravage the world around them.

Author: Hiro Kawahara

Hiro Kawahara He was almost a biologist, but decided to become an illustrator, comic artist and drawing teacher. He created and illustrated McDonald’s tray slides for 27 years. In 2015 he became a comic book author. Produced “Maravilhoso” (2015), “Yowiya” (2016), “Parzifal” (2017, winner of the UNESCO Chair Award for Youth Literature), “Last Gods” (2018, script by Eric Peleias), “Astolat” (2019 , the prequel to “Parzifal”), and “Miwa” (2023).

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