Takedown Request
If you believe that content on Anidrive.me infringes on your copyright, please submit a DMCA takedown request by following the steps below.
Steps to File a DMCA Takedown Request:
Step 1: Contact Information
Please provide your contact information, including:
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Email Address
- Phone Number
Step 2: Identification of Infringed Work
Specify the copyrighted work being infringed. Include:
- Title of the copyrighted material
- Description or URL of the content on Anidrive.me that infringes on your copyright
- Location (URL) of the original work
Please send your completed DMCA takedown request to contact@anidrive.me with the subject line “DMCA Takedown Request.” Anidrive take intellectual property rights seriously and will remove the content as soon as possible.