Dragon Ball Z: 10 Reasons Why Regular Super Saiyan Is Still Cooler Than Ultra Instinct

The original Super Saiyan form, with its iconic appearance, emotional power, and legendary status, still stands out as superior to Ultra Instinct.

Dragon Ball fans experienced a remarkable moment when they witnessed Goku achieving Ultra Instinct against Jiren in the Tournament of Power, a high point that reignited enthusiasm for Dragon Ball Super, a phenomenon not seen since the end of Dragon Ball Z.

While Ultra Instinct was a significant milestone for the Dragon Ball community, it doesn’t overshadow the greatness and lasting impact of the original Super Saiyan. With an unforgettable blonde-haired look, an influential introductory arc, and an enigmatic lore, the original Super Saiyan maintains his “cooler” aura compared to Ultra Instinct.

10. Link to Saiyan Heritage

Goku and the Emblematic Transformation

Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan for the first time in episode 95 of Dragon Ball Z, a milestone that highlights the specificity of this form to the Saiyan race. Unlike Ultra Instinct, a technique accessible to anyone with adequate training, Super Saiyan represents the unlocking of the Saiyans’ innate potential, making the journey of Goku, an exile from his own race, even more powerful.

9. Emotionally Impactful Introduction

“I am the Super Saiyan, Son Goku!”

Goku’s first transformation into a Super Saiyan is iconic in the Dragon Ball franchise. It arises from a moment of despair and loss, with Krillin’s death, combining physical power and an intense emotional charge, an aspect that Ultra Instinct cannot match.

8. Revolutionary New Feature in the Series

The Impact of Innovation

The concept of Super Saiyan brought an absolute novelty to Dragon Ball, something that Ultra Instinct, despite its own value, was unable to overcome. Goku’s transformation into Super Saiyan was a watershed moment, introducing the idea of ​​dramatic power evolutions in the series.

7. Extended Foreshadowing

The Path to Super Saiyan

The Super Saiyan transformation has been cleverly anticipated since the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, with references made by Vegeta and others. While Ultra Instinct also had its foreshadowing, Super Saiyan benefits from deeper development and more significant anticipation, making its reveal more impactful.

6. Merit and Effort

Goku’s Journey to Super Saiyan

Although both Super Saiyan and Ultra Instinct are the fruits of Goku’s arduous training, the Super Saiyan form is perceived as more deserved. This is due to the fact that, throughout the series, Goku overcame numerous challenges, with Super Saiyan seeming a natural and surprising culmination of this effort, unlike Ultra Instinct, which, despite also requiring training, seemed more like a continuation of the already established trajectory of Goku’s powers.

5. Visual Transformation

Goku’s Iconic Change

Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan brought a dramatic visual change, with blonde hair and blue eyes contrasting significantly with his normal appearance. While Ultra Instinct also alters Goku’s appearance, it’s not as shocking as the change to Super Saiyan, a visually distinctive symbol in anime culture.

4. Part of a Historical Arch

The Legacy of the Frieza Saga

Goku’s battle against Frieza, culminating in his transformation into a Super Saiyan, is part of the Frieza saga, one of the most influential and memorable arcs in shonen anime. Although the Tournament of Power arc, where Ultra Instinct was revealed, is significant, it does not have the same emotional and historical impact as the Frieza saga.

3. Unique Self-Achievement

Goku’s Innovation

Unlike Ultra Instinct, which was the result of specific training under Whis’ tutelage, Super Saiyan emerged as a spontaneous innovation by Goku. This transformation was not taught, but rather a manifestation of Goku’s personal growth and internal strength, elevating his status as a singular milestone in the series.

2. Legendary Status

The Mythology of the Super Saiyan

The concept of the Super Saiyan has been built into legend throughout the series, with characters like Vegeta alluding to its mythical existence. When Goku finally transformed, it not only confirmed the legend, but also amplified its impact, making the Super Saiyan an almost mythical phenomenon within the Dragon Ball universe.

1. Iconic Beyond Anime

The Universality of Super Saiyan

Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan has transcended Dragon Ball, becoming a recognizable cultural icon even to those unfamiliar with the anime. Its popularity is such that it has been referenced and parodied in numerous media, solidifying its place as one of the most iconic and influential transformations in anime history.

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