Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Age, species and class of each main character

The anime series “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” takes us to a fantasy world, filled with races familiar to fans of the genre, including elves, dwarves, demons and humans. This racial diversity not only enriches the series’ universe, but also introduces variety in the characters’ ages and class preferences. Let’s explore the characteristics of the main characters, starting with number 8 on the list.

8 – Himmel: The Human Hero

Himmel, although he bears the title ‘hero’, is not the central protagonist of the story. His death, which occurred at the age of 76 and shown in the first episode, serves as a catalyst for Frieren, who reflects on her feelings for him and uses his past experiences as a guide. Himmel, being human, has a shorter life expectancy than elves, resulting in his premature separation. Interestingly, most of what we see of Himmel are flashbacks to when he was 26, in the prime of his life.

7 – First: The Human Priest

First is one of Frieren and Himmel’s original companions. Known for his role as the heart of the hero group, he is a quiet priest who finds joy in simple pleasures like drinking. He is also a loyal friend, reliable during journeys. His exact age is a mystery, but it is speculated that he is older than Himmel, perhaps exceeding 100 years old, considering he died 20 years after Himmel.

6 – Eisen: The Dwarven Warrior

Eisen represents the strength of the group of heroes, a classic dwarf specialized in hand-to-hand combat, always ready to defend his allies. In addition to being a formidable fighter, he is an adoptive father to Stark and acts as a wise mentor. Their longevity, typical of dwarves, exceeds that of humans by hundreds of years, although it is still shorter than that of elves. He is past his prime, but unlike the humans in the group, he does not die of old age.

5 – Sein: The Human Priest with a Mature Personality

Sein, a human and priest, is the most recent addition to Frieren’s group. He shares Heiter’s profession and laid-back approach, but stands out for his maturity, offering valuable advice to younger members. His exact age is a mystery, but he appears to be older than both Stark and Fern, making him the oldest human member of Frieren’s group, although likely younger than Heiter during the journey.

4 – Stark: The Young and Impetuous Human Warrior

Stark, a young human and warrior, is notable for his impetuosity and emotion. As Eisen’s adopted son and former student, he follows in the warrior’s footsteps, but with a more emotional and impatient personality. His youth explains much of his behavior; he is a teenager who comes of age (17/18 years old) during the series, still learning and growing.

3 – Fern: The Young Human Wizard

Fern, a human and Frieren’s apprentice, is one of the main characters in the series. As a mage with great potential, her curiosity and impatience stand out, contrasting with Frieren’s more serene approach. The series focuses heavily on her development, starting with Fern as a teenager and progressing until she is 18 years old.

2 – Aura: The Demon Antagonist

Aura, a demon and wizard, is one of the series’ main antagonists. Servant of the Demon King and former enemy of Frieren and the group of heroes, she is relentless in her mission to spread chaos and suffering. Her longevity is exceptional, exceeding 500 years, a common characteristic among demons.

1 – Frieren: The Elf Wizard Protagonist

Frieren, the protagonist and title character, is an elf wizard of remarkable abilities. A member of the group of heroes and leader of his own team, Frieren is distant and dedicated to the study of magic, but has recently begun mentoring an apprentice. His longevity is extraordinary, exceeding 1000 years, which brings the complexity of seeing human friends age and pass away quickly.

These characters, with their distinct ages, races and personalities, create a rich and diverse narrative fabric, reflecting the complexity and nuances of the world of “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End”.

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