Frieren’s H doujins banned? Artists have suspended Doujins

Artists are reporting on social media that they are receiving notices from FANZA that they cannot sell H de Frieren doujins at the “request of the copyright owner.”

In Japan there are some virtual stores where you can buy doujins, games, ASMR, music from anyone, and it is where you can buy adult doujins from famous animes, two of the biggest sites are DLsite and FANZA, where anyone can create an account and sell your doujins.

Frieren’s H doujins banned? Artists have suspended Doujins

But apparently the Sousou no Frieren anime is not allowed to have adult doujins on this platform. Shiraki, who produces doujins, posted an email he received from FANZA on his Twitter profile.

The message translates as follows: “Thank you for your support, this is FANZA doujin, thank you for registering your work for sale, we regret to inform you but in accordance with the wishes of the copyright owner of the work, we no longer accept works that parody the series: Sousou no Frieren, We inform you that we have changed the status of the work to “suspended” for the reason stated above.”

Frieren's H doujins banned?  Artists have Suspended Doujins 1

Many then began to question whether the owner of Frieren’s copyright actually prohibited commercial doujins from being made, after all, many artists create doujins based on famous works and sell them, one case of prohibition is that of Evangelion.

In any case, another artist commented on his opinion regarding the probable reason for this: “Fanza banned Frieren’s doujins ‘because they are commercial doujins’, remember that when you search on the internet, this may make Google show you a hentai doujin instead of the original manga. However, sales (of Frieren’s doujins) are still allowed on DLSite, Toranoana and Melonbooks, could it be that Fanza leaked the decision?”

Frieren's H doujins banned?  Artists have Suspended Doujins 2

This was the fans’ reaction:

  • “Well, maybe it’s best to stop with Frieren’s secondary creation.”
  • “Well, there’s not much we can do. It is the destiny of doujin. We shouldn’t speak badly.”
  • “It may not be as well-known, but Shogakukan’s secondary creations are treated rigorously.”
  • “FANZA is doing its job. It’s great that they clearly explained the reasons for the suspension. For example, on YouTube, when it says ‘KADOKAWA Complaint’, it’s not clear what the problem is…”
  • “The official position appears to be that they are openly soliciting secondary illustrations with the tag, but prohibit sale. Well, considering the recent incident with their exclusive author, it’s understandable that Shogakukan would be tense about alternative interpretations.”
  • “They are also publishing in CoroCoro and the television magazine. Given the current situation with erotic zoning and the online environment of children, it is a reasonable decision.”
  • “Shogakukan has always had a somewhat strict (not intolerant) stance. However, it appears that all intellectual property rights holders, especially for large titles, are trying to expand their area of ​​control as much as possible.”
  • “It will be interesting to see whether this will extend to physical bookstore warehouses or whether the ban on selling at events will be observed. What about illustrations on social media?”
  • “It’s an unfortunate situation, but when it comes to secondary creations, it’s something that exists because of the rights holders, including the original author.”
  • “Shogakukan seems to be very aware, as they even release children’s supplements related to FreeLance.”

Well, as expected, the majority of Japanese people support the copyright owner’s decision to ban the sale of doujins of their works.

via Otakomu

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