Idol Ruins Career After Stealing Someone Else’s Boyfriend

A new controversy in idol world shook the Japanese internet now, involving the idol Nekotsun, a young girl of just 15 years old who ended up destroying her career by getting involved with someone else’s boyfriend.

In an official note it was reported that the idol Nekotsun left her idol activities due to violations considered serious committed by her recently.

Idol Ruins Career After Stealing Someone Else’s Boyfriend

Among these violations, Nekotsun often went AWOL, and also made unauthorized trips to countries such as South Korea. In addition, it was discovered that Nekotsun had an affair with someone else’s boyfriend, thus generating great controversy in the idol world.

And it doesn’t stop there, her long list of violations also includes charges of driving without a license, for which she has even been detained by the police according to reports. And the cherry on the cake? Well, it’s her dangerous romantic involvements.

Just below you can see someone else’s boyfriend she got involved with on the left and the new boyfriend she got in the image on the right:

Idol Nekotsun Ruins Career After Getting Involved With Someone Else's Boyfriend

Many Japanese people said it was unbelievable that such a young girl would do such a stupid thing. Check out the following reactions from the Japanese internet below:

“She’s young, but that’s fair. As an idol and a member of a cafe, it’s understandable that other members aren’t happy with her.”

“It seems that people don’t change so easily.”

“That’s a lot for a 15-year-old girl to do… She has a unique talent, but I hope she doesn’t rush it. Let her take care of herself.”

“This episode is so amazing… I feel a touch of hip-hop in all of this.”

“How much do you like driving and being with boys? It’s ridiculous.”

“This is too much. A criminal should not be an idol.”

“In a sense, she’s an incredible person. Doing all this, even directing… Maybe she was inspired by Takumi Fujiwara?”

“Is this the second time she’s driven without a license? Where did she learn that? It’s not just a motorcycle, right?”

There are many comments criticizing Nekotsun’s behavior, but there are also those who have shown concern about the nonsense she has been doing.

via esuteru

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