If Yuji JJK Could Domain Expansion, What Would It Be Like?

Jika Yuji JJK Bisa Domain Expansion, Bakal Seperti Apa?

As we know, Yuji is the main protagonist who so far has not been able to access the peak of a wizard’s potential, Domain Expansion while Yuta, Hakari, and Megumi have done so since the middle of the story.

But if he could, what would the Domain Expansion look like?

Curious? Here’s the theory!

1. Yuji is known to have received the basics of Domain Expansion theory from Gojo.

Gojo and Yuji move from the secret room to the lake where he fought Jogo.Gojo and Yuji move from the secret room to the lake where he fought Jogo (Doc. Mappa / Jujutsu Kaisen)

If asked whether Yuji has got the basics of Domain Expansion? Then the answer is yes.

We return to the beginning of the story, precisely at the time of Jogo’s ambush incident on Gojo. At that time, Gojo had time to go home to Yuji’s room who was still busy practicing cursed energy control to take him to his duel place.

Well, when they were trapped in Jogo’s domain, Gojo explained the basics of Domain Expansion to Yuji, including the effects of the technique that would definitely occur if the user’s domain was released.

Don’t forget, Yuji also trained with Kusakabe who is known to be a wizard who is pro at barrier techniques.

2. Based on Yuji’s unique characteristics, it is possible that the effects will be related to souls like Mahito’s.

Yuji's Dismantle Attack - Jujutsu KaisenYuji’s Dismantle Attack (Doc. Shueisha / Jujutsu Kaisen)

As we know, Yuji has received many curse techniques such as Shrine and Blood Manipulation.

But Yuji’s truly unique ability, aside from receiving techniques from other wizards, is his soul interaction. Well, every time he launches an attack, opponents like Mahito will feel their souls shake every time the young man lands a blow.

However, due to the distance issue, Yuji probably wants to overcome this with Domain Expansion.

If Yuji’s soul interaction ability can be applied in his domain, then separating Megumi and Sukuna will no longer be a difficult matter.

3. The visual form could be the same as Hakari which uses a train theme.

Yuji in his first anime opening - Jujutsu KaisenYuji in his first anime opening (Doc. Mappa / Jujutsu Kaisen)

So what about the visual form of Yuji’s domain?

For this matter, we need to reflect that the visual effects of techniques depend on the user himself and the era of origin.

For example, Higuruma was able to visualize the form of a court in Domain Expansion because he was familiar with the legal field and Hakari took the theme of a train station based on the setting of a romantic fiction story.

In Yuji’s case, the author has not found any particular tendencies in this young man. However, many fans have begun to theorize that his form will still have the same theme as Hakari which is related to trains.

This happened because many people started to realize that Yuji’s scene in the first opening of the anime seemed to show how his fate with Sukuna was visualized when he was sitting on a train.

However, this is still a theory. We will only see the full form and effects in a few more chapters to come.

That’s a discussion of what Yuji’s Domain Expansion will be like.

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