Jujutsu Kaisen: January 2024 Manga Schedule

There’s an atmosphere of anxiety going on among the people who follow Jujutsu Kaisen, right? Everyone is looking forward to the new weekly chapters, especially with the Culling Game arc buzzing with excitement. But hey, January is that boring month that usually takes a break from most manga, and JJK isn’t escaping that.

The first chapter of 2024, Chapter 247, came out today, January 5th. This chapter had already been leaked before, at the end of December, so maybe you’ve already had a peek. But remember, reading the official version is always the best move, both to support the author and to not miss any details. In this chapter, we see more of Hiromi Higuruma, who looks like he’s going to say goodbye, and Yuji receives the Executioner’s Sword, promising more action ahead.

But hey, there will be a break right after this chapter. So, if you read the unofficial version before, you’ll have to wait a little longer. Chapter 248 is scheduled to come out on January 21st. In this one, expectations are high for the clash between Sukuna and Yuji, which promises to be epic.

And then, we have Chapter 249, scheduled for January 28th. Unless there are more breaks, this chapter should bring us back to the normal rhythm of the Culling Game arc. Of course, there is always that doubt as to whether the author, Gege, is going to make an extra stop or not. But, considering that JJK is planned to end this year, these pauses could even be good news to prolong the story a little longer.

So that’s it: the JJK crowd has to hold on tight to these breaks, knowing that they’ll be rewarded with cool chapters. And even though the anime has already ended, fans can rest assured that the wait will be worth it. These pauses are like a sigh before the final stretch of a series that impacted a lot of people. And if everything goes as the author said, the end of JJK should be something memorable.

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