Strange news, Kadokawa is, so far unsuccessfully, trying to register the abbreviation “Re: Zero”. And why do I say unsuccessfully? Because Kadokawa’s application was rejected!
According to the registration, the abbreviation “Re:Zero” is very similar to two other Japanese registrations that also use the name “Rezero”, but if you think these trademarks have anything to do with the anime, no, someone registered “Rezero” in Japan and it has nothing to do with the anime!
The first “Rezero” trademark was registered in 2021 and the second in 2022. According to information released on Twitter, one registered “Rezero” is about household cleaning products and the other is about games/board games in general.
No one knows why Kadokawa waited so long to try to register the name “Re: Zero”, given that the first season premiered in 2026.
via Twitter