The official website for the anime series adaptation of the novel Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (Afterlife Inn Cooking) by Midori Yuma (author) and Laruha (illustration) announced that a second season is in production and will premiere in autumn 2025. You can see a promotional image above.
The first season of the anime premiered in April 2018 and below you can see an illustration of Tsugaru Toba (responsible for the manga) celebrating the announcement of the second season.
— 冬葉つがる🍚かくりよの宿飯4巻発売中 (@tsugarukappa) May 1, 2024
The animation is from the studio Gonzo and the story has as its protagonist the young Aoi who inherited the ability to see spirits from her grandfather. Aoi prides herself on cooking and one day, she is feeding some agricultural spirits when suddenly a god and the master of “Tenshinya” (Heavenly Inn) appear and take her away. He says that because of her grandfather’s debts, she must become his bride. Aoi hates this idea and instead declares that she will pay off her grandfather’s debt by working at Tenjin-ya.
We have as seiyuu:
- Nao Tōyama as Aoi Tsubaki
- Katsuyuki Konishi as Ōdanna
- Shun’ichi Toki as Ginji
- Ai Kakuma as Oryō
- Yūma Uchida as Akatsuki
- Atsushi Tamaru as Byakuya
- Manaka Iwami as Chibi
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (Afterlife Inn Cooking) began to be released in 2015 and its 12th volume was released in March 2022 by Kadokawa. A manga adaptation by Toba began to be published in January 2023 and its 4th volume was released on March 8, 2024 by Kodansha.