Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp is an anime film that compiles the three Kizumonogatari movies that were released from 2016 to 2017. It is based on a light novel by NisiOisin, the author of the Monogatari series. It is a prequel to Bakemonogatari, the first novel in the series, and it tells the story of how Koyomi Araragi became a vampire and met the other characters.
The anime film premiered in Japan today, and Aniplex celebrated by releasing an 8-minute trailer online. The trailer is said to be the longest TV ad ever in Japan. The trailer shows the main characters, the action scenes, and the movie references that are featured in the film.
The anime film is produced by SHAFT, the same studio that animated the other Monogatari anime series. The director is Tatsuya Oishi, who also directed Bakemonogatari. The character design is by Akio Watanabe and Hideyuki Morioka, who also worked on the other Monogatari anime series. The sound direction is by Yota Tsuruoka, who is known for his work on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad, and Violet Evergarden.