The official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga Kuso Miso Technique in Junichi Yamakawa will premiere on April 1, 2024. (The announcement adds the clause in parentheses, “*It’s for real”), this after the anime was announced as an April Fools’ departure. Above you can see a first promotional image.
With animation by Studio Leo It is Anime Tokyo, LLCthe direction is Pierre Itō (Kenda Master Ken, World, Before You End) and the argument is “Ikansoku“.
A AnimeTokyo is producing the original mid-length anime as an all-ages title. Team members began animation production in May 2023.
The anime’s crowdfunding campaign surpassed 8,000,000 yen (about $57,300) on May 17, earning a grand total of 8,680,500 yen ($62,200).
Yamakawa published the original one-shot manga in the second edition of BaraComia special spinoff manga from the gay men’s magazine Barazokuin 1987. In the early 2000s, the line of dialogue from the manga “Yaranai ka” became an Internet meme.
Synopsis of Kuso Miso Technique
The story begins with Masaki Michishita, an ordinary student who one day is running to the toilet in a park. Despite his rush, he spots Takakazu Abe, an extremely handsome car mechanic, sitting on a bench. The two exchange looks, and after Abe pronounces “Yaranai ka” (Shall we do this?), the two begin the meeting. The anime will expand on the one-shot manga and will incorporate elements from Yamakawa’s other works, as well as unique elements from his story.