Kyoto Animation President Speaks Out on Death Sentence of Studio Arsonist

Yesterday we reported the conviction of Death penalty of the arsonist who attacked the animation studio Kyoto Animation and after the verdict and sentence, the president of the Kyoto Animation, Hideaki Hattaissued a statement.

Hideaki Hatta stated:

According to the rules of law, we receive the appropriate response and judgment. To the judges who shouldered this heavy responsibility for such a long period of time, and to the investigators, police, court officials and all others who were committed to conducting a fair investigation and trial, I wish to express my deep respect.

Even after the trial, the sadness I feel hasn’t changed one bit. I feel nothing but pain in my heart when I think of the members of Kyoto Animation who lost their lives, those who were injured, and the sadness of their loved ones.

I pray that the memory of the animation works they poured their hearts and souls into, and the efforts of the surviving members every day to continue doing such works, will connect their spirits with us, including those who joined Kyoto Animation since the incident.

We will dedicate ourselves to continuing to value our workers, showcase their individual talents and create animated works from now on.

Another prominent figure involved in the incident is the doctor Takahiro Ueda. During the arson attack, the Aoba He suffered serious injuries from the flames he caused, with burns covering more than 90% of his body when he was taken into custody. During the following four months, Ueda served as an assistant physician Aobaperforming an extensive series of skin transplants using cultured copies of Aoba’s remaining skin.

Takahiro Ueda stated:

I guess you could say that saving (Aoba’s) life was significant because it allowed him to stand trial. I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no sympathy for him and I want him to feel the weight of the crime he committed.

The knowledge acquired from the procedures carried out Shinji Aoba have been used to save the lives of burn victims in other parts of Japan.

Execution dates are not publicly announced in advance by the Japanese justice system, and even those convicted are usually only informed on the day of their hanging, and are instead usually announced after the execution has taken place.

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