A Micro Magazine revealed that an adaptation for anime series from the novel Let This Grieving Soul Retire! (Nageki no Bōrei wa Intai Shitai: Saijaku Hunter ni Yoru Saikyō Party Ikusei-jutsu) by Tsukikage and Chyko. A trailer and promotional image for the ad were also released:
The animation is by studio Zero-G (RikeKoi, Battery, Piace -Watashi no Italian-), directed by Masahiro Takata (High-Rise Invasion, The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World). Meanwhile, the script is by Hideki Shirane (Date A Live) and character design is by Yūsuke Isouchi and Shingo Fujisaki. The music is by Ryōhei Sataka (Release the Spyce, D4DJ First Mix, Do It Yourself!!) at Avex Pictures.
Risa Taima leads the art direction, while Saho Yamane serves as assistant art director. Shuhei Tada takes on the role of art designer, while Atsushi Furukawa is in charge of color designer. Yoshinori Tomo is in charge of 3D direction, and Kosuke Tanaka is in charge of photography. Editing is in charge of Masaki Utsunomiya.
In the voice cast (seiyuu’s), we have:
- Kensho Ono as Krai Andrey
- Miyu Kubota as Tino Shade
The series Let This Grieving Soul Retire! (Nageki no Bōrei wa Intai Shitai: Saijaku Hunter ni Yoru Saikyō Party Ikusei-jutsu) began publication on Shōsetsuka ni Narō in January 2018 and concluded in December of the same year. Its 11th volume is scheduled for release on February 28, 2024.
Furthermore, Rai Hebino began publishing an adaptation for mango at the ComicWalker in April 2019, and the Kadokawa will release the 9th volume on February 26, 2024.