Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now available for PlayStation 5

A Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 arrived today exclusively at PlayStation 5. The title is available in Portuguese, and features the voices of Carlão, Tiago Teotónio Pereira, Alexandre Carvalho, Paulo Pires, Marco Delgado, among others. Portuguese youtuber Ric Fazeres went to meet part of the cast, and has already shared a video where you can see his reaction upon discovering, in this case, who voices the iconic Peter Parker and Miles Morales, and also the game’s fearsome villain, Venom .

In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man Peter Parker and Miles Morales return for a new and exciting adventure in the acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man series for PlayStation 5. Here, players will have the opportunity to move from web to web, jump and use the new web wings to travel through Marvel’s New York, switching between Peter Parker and Miles Morales to experience different stories and epic new superpowers, as the villain Venom threatens to destroy their lives, their city and the people they love. Equipped with Miles’ new bioelectric venom power and Peter’s Spider-Arms, the two Spider-Men will then face the ultimate test of strength both inside and outside the mask, fighting to save the city, each other and those they love. of the monstrous Venom.

The exclusive PlayStation 5 is available in all editions, on PlayStation Store, PlayStation Direct and usual points of sale.

Below you can read our analysis Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. You can also see our video review here. Don’t forget to subscribe our channel youtube.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – Analysis

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