McDonald’s and Studio Pierrot announce anime collaboration

Garotas Que Curtem Animes

O McDonalds and the Studio Pierrot announce a collaboration for a new anime, causing speculation and excitement among fans. An intriguing teaser video hints at an epic collaboration between the two giants of pop culture.

The video features the following advertisement:

From the creators of the most iconic anime in the world and the creators of the most iconic French fries in the world.” A new world emerges“.

While the exact nature of the project is still unclear, the teaser promises more details in February 26th and indicates a possible promotional campaign in the chain’s restaurants.

This global announcement, which promises to bring the magic of anime for the world of burgers and fries, highlights the relevance and reach of this collaboration between the McDonalds and the Studio Pierrotawaited by fans of anime and restaurant customers.

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