A Kadokawa announced that an anime series adaptation of the manga is in production My Wife Has No Emotion (Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjō ga nai) by Jiro Sugiura. You can see above a first promotional image of this anime series that will debut in July 2024.
With animation by the studio Tezuka Productions (Adachi to Shimamura, Kanojo mo Kanojo), the direction is Fumihiro Yoshimura (Kumi to Tulip, Jungle Emperor Leo: Hon-o-ji), the argument is Mitsutaka Hirota (Edens Zero both seasons, Rent-A-Girlfriend) and the character design is by Zenjirou Ukulele (animation direction for Naruto Shippūden).
Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Kazuki in Buddy Daddies) plays jaded corporate worker Takuma Kosugi and Konomi Inagaki (Serufu in Do It Yourself!!) is the domestic robot Mina.
My Wife Has No Emotion (Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjō ga nai) began to be published in 2019 on Comic Flapper and its 7th volume was released by Kadokawa in October 2023.
Synopsis of My Wife Has No Emotion
Takuma is a single man who does nothing but go to work and come home. Too tired to do household chores, he decides to hire a robot to cook and take care of the house. “Mina-chan” is such a good housekeeper that Takuma jokes that she should become his wife. Mina takes Takuma’s joke seriously and little by little the two start to do more things together, like having a picnic. As time passes, Takuma begins to fall in love with Mina, but can a human and a robot have an equal and loving relationship?