One Piece just made Luffy’s latest villain even more powerful

Look, after the latest news in One Piece, everyone thinks that Blackbeard will be the last big challenge for Luffy. And apparently, things are getting more serious, because Blackbeard may have gotten his hands on the super powerful Ancient Weapons. With two of the best devil fruits out there and a team to be envied, with some guys who are also monsters in power, Blackbeard is Luffy’s biggest headache right now.

In episode 1108, Caribou bumps into two of Blackbeard’s ten hulking captains, Van Augur and Catarina Devon, there in Egghead. He wants a ride to Blackbeard, saying he has some hot stuff to talk about. The trick is that Caribou knows where Pluton is hidden, under Wano, and that Shirahoshi has the power of Poseidon. He’s dying to tell Blackbeard about the Ancient Weapons, which could make the guy even more powerful if he decides to go after them.

Only Robin and Law know exactly where Pluton is hidden, because Kozuki Sukiyaki showed them the Road Poneglyph. And about Poseidon, only Robin and King Neptune are in the know. If Blackbeard discovers these secrets, it will be total chaos and could change everything in history.

Caribou had already said back in episode 1056 that he wanted to tell Blackbeard about Pluto, so it seems like he’s been wanting to get together with the guy for a while now. Even though Caribou isn’t that big of a deal so far, this move of his could mess up the lives of Luffy and the gang, Wano, Fishman Island and everyone in One Piece.

Unlike Luffy, who doesn’t even care about the power of Ancient Weapons, Blackbeard will definitely go after it as soon as he finds out. They say that these weapons have absurd power and the World Government has been after them for a long time. Having this power in his hands will help Blackbeard get closer to his dream of world domination and will leave him almost untouchable.

To make matters worse, Luffy has already said that Wano and Fishman Island are as if they were his, so if Blackbeard messes with these places, there will be a big fight between them. Trying to get the Pluton can destroy Wano and anything with the Shirahoshi will leave Luffy pistol-whipped. If there is a confrontation between Blackbeard and Luffy because of this, Madame Sharley’s prophecy that Fishman Island will go to space could even happen.

And Blackbeard isn’t kidding, after getting Law’s Poneglyph secrets, he’s on the same level as Luffy. And with Pudding helping to read the Poneglyphs, he’s in the running for the title of Pirate King with the same vibe as Luffy.

So, everyone is keeping an eye on what will happen from now on, because the search for Laugh Tale is fiercer than ever and Blackbeard is showing that he’s here to play hard. The fight over Ancient Weapons could be the trigger to start the biggest war of all in One Piece.

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