People Are Furious That Kanojo Okarishimasu Author Used AI

Once again, the author of Kanojo Okarishimasu, Reiji Miyajima, is facing criticism on social media, this time for posting on his profile an illustration of Chizuru, the heroine of Kanojo Okarishimasu, made by an AI.

Due to some people’s opposition to the use of AI in illustrations, the author is receiving a lot of criticism. Below you can check out Chizuru’s illustration made by the AI:

People Are Furious That Kanojo Okarishimasu Author Used AI

In the description of his post, Reiji Miyajima says that he has been “interested in AI” lately and so he made the AI ​​learn his drawing style and had it do Chizuru’s art, which he said was “cute.”

People Are Furious That Kanojo Okarishimasu Author Used AI

Fans are not happy about this, let’s see some comments?

“Expected from the author of one of the worst mangas out there”

“I finally got a valid reason to hate the author of Kanojo Okarishimasu”

“Imagine you have this level of art and you share art made by AI that doesn’t make you feel emotion, it seems empty”

“People are hating it for the sake of it, he trained the AI ​​using his own trait and no one else’s, nothing wrong with that”


“I find it funny how not even an artist can use AI art for fun without being severely criticized. Keep in mind that he trained the AI ​​using his own art and is not using it in anything official, which shows how certain keywords can make Twitter users aggressive for no apparent reason.”

“I finally understand why Kanojo Okarishimasu is trash, it was generated by AI this whole time”

“Didn’t expect this”

You can see many other negative comments about the author using AI here. It seems like these people’s biggest concern is that Reiji will start using AI in his manga, something he hasn’t mentioned at any point. It has a very beautiful design, as you can see below:

People Are Furious That Kanojo Okarishimasu Author Used AI 2

Also remembering that Reiji is not the first author to like and use AI openly. The author of Gantz also likes to play and do various experiments with AI. Additionally, Reiji trained the AI ​​with his own trait, which is a positive thing.

A Japanese man who saw Westerners’ complaints about Reiji using AI commented the following: “So, you all care about mangakas and their well-being after one of them dies, but when someone implements technology that will help ease the burden on them, it becomes a problem, performative outrage as usual from Westerners.”

The use of AI in manga and anime is inevitable and is already occurring, and will be further implemented in the future. This should certainly ease the workload on authors, but it seems like a lot of people can’t understand this.

“This culture of overwork needs to change! But this is their reaction to something that can help with that.”, commented another person on the subject. Another person argued that human illustrators learn in the same way as AI, copying others’ artwork until they develop their own styles and learn to draw.

What do you think?

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