【『ペルソナ5 タクティカ』DLCキャラ紹介】明智吾郎
コードネームは「クロウ」へっ、お手並み拝見させてもらうぜ、アケチ!#P5T は11月17日発売!
DLC「Repaint Your Heart」も同時発売だ! pic.twitter.com/PQ3aDvyhzH— モルガナ_ペルソナ広報 (@p_kouhou) November 8, 2023
A ATLUS released a new trailer for Persona 5 Tactics where it presents Goro Akechi (played by Souichirou Hoshi), one of the characters from the DLC “Repaint your Heart” and bearer of the Robin Hood Persona.
Through the page Persona 5 Tactics we can read the following:
A detective and high school student. Goro has solved countless cases and established a reputation even among professional investigators. With his sharp intellect, kind personality and good looks, he is not surprise Let everyone pay attention to what he does. With frequent appearances on social media, his fans consider him a new Detective Prince. In the search for identity of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, a certain incident leads him to cooperate with the group. His persona is Robin Hood”.
Persona 5 Tactics will be released for Playstation 4, Xbox one, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch It is PRAÇA (Steam) on November 17th