Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

Flow of Parents and Children’s Day in Boruto reminds the audience of one thing: before this, there were no holidays in Konoha. Yep, as a ninja village, in Konoha you either have a task or you don’t have a task. If it’s free, you can relax. If you have an assignment, you may be called to leave the village.

Therefore, almost all Konoha shinobi are actually still on active duty. It’s just that, because the world is at peace, many of them are unemployed. Who are the unemployed Konoha shinobi? Here’s the list!

1. Hinata Hyuga

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!Hinata’s cute reaction to reading the book Icha Icha. (Doc. Pierrot/Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)

This Byakugan Princess can still fight. He even clashed with Momoshiki, which left him injured. But now he does more activities at home. He is rarely seen serving as a shinobi anymore.

At the end of the manga Boruto: Naruto Next Generations until Boruto: Two Blue VortexHinata could be said to remain unemployed… because she was sealed by Kawaki into another dimension.

2. Choji Akimichi

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

While Ino sold flowers (that still counted as work) and secretly became a sensor ninja who watched over the entire village, and Shikamaru became Naruto’s aide who was as busy as his boss, Choji did not occupy an active job position. He is also seen eating with Chocho more often than doing ninja activities.

In fact, as revealed in the Mirai Sarutobi arc and then in the Urashiki invasion of Konoha arc, Choji is still tasked with matters such as investigation and combat. However, because the world is at peace, he is more often unemployed than fighting.

But with in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Ino and Shikamaru are among those who have realized that Boruto is actually good, it could be that Choji might soon find a good role to complement Ino-Shka-Cho.

3. Karui

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

Just like her husband, Karui is now rarely seen doing ninja activities. In fact, while Choji is still helping Kakashi investigate missing girls in the Mirai Sarutobi arc, Karui has rarely been seen fighting anymore so far. At least, she still has a reason to be a housewife like Hinata.

4. Choza Akimichi

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

Of the Ino-Shika-Cho generation of Shikaku Nara, only Choza remained. Inoichi and Shikaku died in the Bijuu Dama attack from the Juubi. What is Choza doing now? Not many. In the Naruto Shinden novel, Choza actually witnessed an eating contest in which Chocho and Choji participated. However Choza does not appear in the anime version of that scene.

5. Temari Nara

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

In the same boat as Hyuga and Karui, after getting married Temari was more often unemployed and focused on being a housewife.

That doesn’t mean Temari’s abilities have decreased. During the Byakuya Gang arc, where all the shinobi are ordered to act, Temari shows herself to be still as strong as ever. Not only that, Temari can still beat the new generation of Ino-Shika-Cho in training.

In the Sunagakure arc, Temari and Shikamaru were still able to fight the Toneri doll that Urashiki borrowed. He did lose to Urashiki, but that was more because Urashiki attacked him suddenly.

6. Kakashi Hatake

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

If Konoha experiences a crisis, or faces a serious threat, Kakashi is usually invited to be an extra advisor for Naruto. He is also sometimes called upon to supervise things, such as the Academy Graduation Exam. Even so, if you look around, now Kakashi is more idle than in action.

At least, Mirai Sarutobi’s arc still shows Kakashi will sometimes work too. He and Guy organize a mission to investigate missing girls lured by the Jashin sect, assisted by Choji and Tenten.

In the manga version, it’s even worse, Kakashi hasn’t even appeared yet.

7. Tsunade

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

Just like Kakashi, since Tsunade is no longer around Hokage, he is now unemployed. He even has time for a long walk, before returning briefly at the start of Mitsuki’s Arc. Meanwhile, Shizune is still quite often found doing activities in Konoha.

8. Hiashi Hyuga

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

Since he is getting older, perhaps it is not surprising that Hiashi is now unemployed. When last seen, Hiashi was revealed to be a grandfather who likes to spoil his grandchildren.

That doesn’t mean he’s weakened, actually. You may remember that in Orochimaru’s attempt to attack Konoha in Naruto, Hiashi was able to beat many enemies? Considering that Hanabi in episode 9 replaced Hiashi in testing Boruto’s Byakugan, it seems that Hiashi can still be a dangerous enemy in a duel. Even if his dueling enemy is his own beloved grandson.

9. Genma Shiranui

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!

It felt like it stood out NarutoGenma Shiranui has not been seen again in Boruto. It is not even known whether he is still on duty or not.

10. Ebisu

Previously Heroes, These 10 Konoha Shinobi Were Unemployed in the Boruto Era!Ebisu in Shippuden. (Doc. Pierrot/Naruto Shippuden)

Para Tokubetsu Jonin overall less highlighted in the era Boruto.

Even though it’s a team Genins Ebisu (Konohamaru, Udon, Moegi) all became JoninEbisu is not known at all Boruto.

I don’t even know whether he is still on duty or not.

Those are ten Konoha Shinobi who were unemployed in the Boruto era. They don’t work as teachers (like Shino, Anko, and Iruka), don’t work as part of the Konoha police (like Rock Lee), don’t work as advertising stars (like Kiba, who is also part of the Konoha police), or as part of the sensor ninja (like Ino).

So yes, if there is no mission, they are unemployed. Even if there was a mission, it was the young jonin who usually got the assignment, not them. What do you think about these unemployed Konoha shinobi?

Article first published on October 24 2019, re-released on March 29 2024.

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