Producer of the anime film Your name. was arrested for asking minors for nude photos

The newspaper Mainichi Shimbun revealed that Wakayama prefectural police arrested Kouichirou Itoua 52-year-old anime producer, for allegedly asking a 15-year-old student living in Nagano for nude photos of herself.

Itou admitted the accusation, although, according to the authorities, he claimed that he had “done this to other people, so (he could not) say whether that was the girl or not”.

A TBS News He also added that, according to police, Itou allegedly paid the minor 12,500 yen (about US$83) in electronic money for the photo or photos. TBS also stated that police found other videos and images on Itou’s computer and are investigating.

According to authorities, Itou asked the girl for the photos in September 2021, with full knowledge that she was a minor at the time. Police said Itou’s alleged crime was discovered as part of a separate investigation into prostitution. The police are investigating whether there are other victims involved with Itou.

Kouichirou Itou is known for being the director of many of the famous director’s anime Makoto Shinkai. Kouichirou Itou was the producer of the anime films The Place Promised in Our Early Days, Children Who Chase Lost Voices, The Garden of Words, your name., Weathering With You It is Suzume.

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