Noriaki Sugiyama

( 50 years old)

Tokyo, Japan

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Noriaki Sugiyama (born March 9, 1976 in Tokyo, Japan) is a voice and television actor affiliated with Stay-Luck and formerly Production Baobab and Axl One. Many of the characters he plays not only have the same voice but have a very similar personality, such as his characters in the Bleach and Naruto series.Sugiyama is affectionately known as Non-tan by his fans, a nickname given to him by voice actress Junko Takeuchi on the radio show O-! Naruto Nippon!.
Also Known As 杉山纪彰, すぎやま のりあき, 杉山紀彰, 스기야마 노리아키. Born on 1974-03-09