Usagi Drop is a slice-of-life manga and anime series that follows the relationship between Daikichi, a 30-year-old bachelor, and Rin, a 6-year-old girl who is the illegitimate daughter of his grandfather. Semblance of Sanity is a YouTube channel that produces reaction videos to various anime and web series, including Usagi Drop. They have reacted to the 11 episodes of Usagi Drop, and they have uploaded their full-length reactions on their Patreon page and for their patrons. Their reactions are usually warm, heartfelt, and adorable. They often express their admiration and affection for the characters and their interactions, especially Daikichi and Rin. They also comment on the themes and messages of Usagi Drop, such as family, parenthood, childhood, and happiness. They sometimes compare Usagi Drop to other slice-of-life or family-oriented works. Some of their fans have commented that they enjoy their reactions because they are genuine, sweet, and wholesome.
Semblance of Sanity Usagi Drop Full Reaction
Content | Full Length Link | Mini Link |
1 | YouTube | Vidyard |
2 | YouTube | Vidyard |
3 | YouTube | Vidyard |
4 | YouTube | Vidyard |
5 | YouTube | Vidyard |
6 | YouTube | Vidyard |
7 | YouTube | Vidyard |
8 | YouTube | Vidyard |
9 | YouTube | Dead Link |
10 | YouTube | Dead Link |
11 | YouTube | Vidyard |