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4 Cut Hero
4 Cut Hero

4 Cut Hero

"4 Cut Hero" is a unique anime parodying the hero genre, featuring an overpowered protagonist in a world of dragons and kingdoms.

MyAnimeList Rating
4 Cut Hero
Original Title3D彼女 リアルガール
Formats Streaming
Duration5 mins
Release DateJuly 17, 2023
End DateSeptember 11, 2023

After defeating the Demon King, our Hero saves the princess and rides off into the horizon to start a new life... In his dreams... Little did he know that unemployment and mediocrity awaited him.

(Source: Lezhin US)

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Ruda Katran
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Editor's Review
4 Cut Hero

“4 Cut Hero” is an anime that takes a unique approach to the hero genre. The series is set in a world where the Hero has defeated the Demon King, but the Princess he meant to save turned out to be a Prince. The Hero, seeking a life of relaxation surrounded by anime, gets caught up in millennia-old legends, curses, and a twisted plot involving multiple Kingdoms and many dragons.

The series is a perfect parody for any average “hero” type beat anime. The main character (MC) is overpowered, yet his actions are often dumb and predictable. The reactions of the characters are silly, making it a perfect guilty pleasure chill vibe anime.

Despite its comedic undertones, “4 Cut Hero” manages to deliver a compelling narrative. The series is about a hero who defeats the dark lord because he wants to be rich and gain an epic princess – just like any other heroic anime. However, “4 Cut Hero” stands out with its fun and entertaining vibe.

The animation, soundtrack, plot, and characters are all well-executed, making the series a visual and auditory treat. Despite the short episodes, the series manages to pack a lot of content and effort into each one.

However, “4 Cut Hero” is not without its flaws. The series can sometimes feel like it’s trying too hard to be a parody, which can detract from the overall narrative. Despite this, the series manages to maintain its charm and appeal.

In conclusion, “4 Cut Hero” is a unique and entertaining take on the hero genre. Its blend of comedy, action, and parody, combined with its well-executed animation and compelling narrative, make it a must-watch for any anime fan.