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Akudama Drive
Akudama Drive

Akudama Drive

"Akudama Drive: In a dystopian future, a young woman becomes a criminal, known as Akudama, to survive. A thrilling anime series aired in 2020.

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Akudama Drive
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Opening theme"STEAL!!" by SPARK!!SOUND!!SHOW!!
Ending theme"Ready" by Urashimasakatasen
Duration24 mins
Release DateOctober 8, 2020
End DateDecember 24, 2020
FormatTV Series

Many years ago, a Great Civil War ravaged Japan, leaving the country fragmented between two regions: Kansai and Kanto. In Kansai, a group of six Akudama carry out missions given to them by a mysterious black cat, while evading the police. But a dangerous journey is about to unfold when a civilian girl becomes twisted into the Akudama’s way of life and witnesses their criminal drives.

(Source: Funimation)

Note: On May 28, 2021, a director's cut of the final episode was released which included approximately 5 minutes of new content.

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Editor's Review
Akudama Drive

Akudama Drive: A Dazzling Rollercoaster of Cyberpunk Mayhem

“**Akudama Drive**” is a tour de force in the cyberpunk genre, delivering an adrenaline-pumping, visually stunning experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Set in a dystopian future, this anime weaves a tale of chaos, crime, and the pursuit of freedom in a society where law and order have crumbled.

The story unfolds in the heart of the Kansai region, a city split between the elite and the destitute. Enter the “Akudama,” a group of notorious criminals with various special skills, each bearing a pseudonym and an aura of lethal capability. When a mysterious job offer tempts them with unimaginable wealth, they’re thrust together into a heist that will forever alter the course of their lives.

One of the standout features of “Akudama Drive” is its jaw-dropping animation and art style. The cyberpunk cityscape is a mesmerizing blend of neon-lit skyscrapers, gritty alleyways, and high-tech gadgetry. The action sequences are nothing short of spectacular, choreographed with precision and imbued with a palpable sense of danger. The character designs are equally striking, with each Akudama possessing a unique and memorable appearance that reflects their personality and abilities.

The ensemble cast of “Akudama Drive” is a colorful assortment of anti-heroes, each with their own motivations and backstories. The interactions between the characters crackle with tension and unpredictability, creating a dynamic that’s both entertaining and emotionally resonant. From the stoic Courier to the enigmatic Doctor, every member of the cast brings something vital to the table, ensuring that no moment feels wasted.

While action-packed sequences are the anime’s forte, it also delves into deeper themes. Questions of morality, justice, and the nature of identity are skillfully woven into the narrative, giving viewers food for thought amidst the adrenaline-fueled spectacle. The world-building is immersive, revealing a society that’s both hauntingly familiar and eerily foreign, amplifying the impact of the story’s societal commentary.

The pacing of “Akudama Drive” is relentless, hurtling forward with breakneck speed. While this intensity fuels the series’ exhilarating energy, it can occasionally make the plot feel a touch convoluted, especially in the latter half. However, this minor quibble doesn’t detract significantly from the overall experience.

In conclusion, “Akudama Drive” is a cyberpunk masterpiece that exemplifies the heights anime can reach in terms of visual storytelling and world-building. Its engaging characters, electrifying action, and thought-provoking themes culminate in a series that’s both a visual feast and a contemplative exploration of human nature in the face of chaos. For fans of high-octane thrill rides and dystopian futures, “Akudama Drive” is an absolute must-watch. Strap in for a wild ride through a neon-soaked underworld, where danger lurks around every corner and nothing is as it seems.