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“Amnesia” is a captivating anime series about a young lady who loses her memory and meets a spectral boy named Orion who helps her remember her past.

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Duration23 mins
Release DateJanuary 7, 2013
End DateMarch 25, 2013
FormatTV Series

This story takes place in a fictional town, in a fictional country, in a fictional world. One morning, a young lady awakens to find that she has lost all her memories prior to that morning. Her life, her relationships, her very name—all gone. All that's left is a cell phone with numbers and names she doesn't recognize and Orion, a young boy that only she appears to be able to see. With Orion's guidance, she struggles to make sense of herself, a boyfriend she doesn't know and the thousand and one little things that make up a daily life. But with no memories left, the only alternative is to forge new ones, even if that means leaving old loves behind.

(Source: Sentai Filmworks)

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Editor's Review

“Amnesia” is a captivating anime series that masterfully combines elements of fantasy, mystery, and romance genres. The series, which aired from January 7, 2013 to March 25, 2013, was produced by Brain’s Base.

The plot revolves around a young lady who faints at work and awakens in the back room of the café she works at with no memory of her life or those around her. Two of her friends, whom she soon learns are named Shin and Toma, are called to help her get home safely. Once she is alone, she meets a spectral boy named Orion that only she can see and hear.

Orion explains that she lost her memories because of his chance visit to her world, so he vows to help her remember who she is. However, regaining her departed memories without worrying those around her may be more difficult than she realizes. In addition to the gloomy Shin and the protective Toma, she must be wary of arousing the suspicions of the captivating Ikki, the quick-witted Kent, and a mysterious man who lurks in the distance.

As her amnesia entangles her in the lives of each of these men, her fragmented memories return piece by piece, and the mysteries of her circumstances slowly come to light.

In conclusion, “Amnesia” is a must-watch for fans of mystery romance anime. Its unique blend of genres, complex characters, and engaging storyline will keep viewers hooked from start to finish.