“Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-” is a gripping anime series that takes viewers on a thrilling journey through a dystopian future. The series is set in the year 2039, when global warming has caused a sudden rise in sea levels, resulting in humanity losing a significant portion of land12.
Simultaneously, a fleet of mysterious warships, known as the “Fleet of Fog,” appears in seas worldwide, attacking humanity with their powerful weapons12. These sentient warships are armed with advanced technology and weaponry, and they decimate the world’s naval forces3.
The narrative of “Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-” centers around Gunzo Chihaya, who, along with his friends, somehow manages to commandeer one of the “Fleet of Fog” ships4. This ship is controlled by a humanoid cyborg known as a Mental Model4, which has the ability to assimilate human reactions and behaviors4.
One of the standout aspects of “Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-” is its exploration of the dynamics between humans and these advanced machines. It delves into the complexities of these relationships and how they influence the characters’ lives. The series also touches upon themes of survival, power dynamics, and the struggle against overwhelming odds.
The anime adaptation was directed by Seiji Kishi and produced by Satelight4. It has been praised for its intriguing storyline, well-developed characters, and unique concept.
In conclusion, “Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-” is a compelling anime series that offers a unique blend of action, adventure, drama, and science fiction. Its exploration of human-machine relationships sets it apart from other anime in its genre. Whether you’re a fan of dystopian narratives or simply enjoy character-driven stories, “Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-” is definitely worth watching.