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Baby Steps
Baby Steps

Baby Steps

Baby Steps: A 2007 anime by Hikaru Katsuki. Follows Eiichirō Maruo, a studious boy who uses his perfectionist nature to develop his unique tennis game

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Baby Steps
Formats Streaming
Duration25 mins
Release DateApril 6, 2014
End DateSeptember 21, 2014
FormatTV Series

Based on the original manga by Hikaru Katsuki, Baby Steps centers on a honor student named Eiichiro Maruo who becomes frustrated with his life and decides to join the tennis club. Despite lacking experience and physical strength, he utilizes his studious nature to develop a strategic approach to playing tennis. Taking notes of his opponents’ habits and tendencies, he is able to predict their next move before they even react. He also meets Natsu Takasaki, a beautiful girl with a passion for tennis. With her help, he aims to become a professional tennis player.

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
Baby Steps

“Baby Steps” is a captivating anime series that was released in 2007 by Hikaru Katsuki. The series is centered on Eiichirō Maruo, a first-year honor student who one day decides that he is lacking exercise. He then joins the Southern Tennis Club (STC) where he begins his tennis journey.

Eiichirō, also known as Ei-chan by his friends, is an honor student who quickly became famous for his meticulous note-taking in class. During his first year of high school, however, he got into a rut studying all of the time and wanted to find a way to exercise. When he meets Natsu, a girl in the same year as him, her passion for tennis convinces him to try playing it.

One of the standout aspects of “Baby Steps” is its unique blend of sports and slice-of-life elements. The series has been praised for its story of a boy who makes the most of his working and perfectionist nature to develop his own unique game style. Little by little, Eiichirō’s skills begin to improve and he hopes to stand on equality with the best tennis players.

The animation style of “Baby Steps” is another aspect that sets it apart. The characters are beautifully designed, and the animation is fluid and vibrant, adding to its visual appeal.

In terms of storytelling, “Baby Steps” excels with its well-paced plot and engaging narrative. The series seamlessly blends sports themes with elements of slice-of-life. Each episode presents a new challenge for Eiichirō as he tries to balance his duty to his studies with his passion for tennis.

In conclusion, “Baby Steps” is a must-watch for any anime fan. With its compelling characters, engaging plot, and stunning animation, it offers an unforgettable viewing experience that will leave viewers wanting more.